Peter and Charlotte

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It's been three days, three whole freaken days since the day I won against Alistair. And it's THREE DAYS SINCE HE HASN'T LEFT MY DAMN SIDE!! Literally, he's breathing down on my neck. He's always trying to be near me. He doesn't leave my side, he either close or far away yet he's still there. I mean, I understand I'm amazing and damn fucken cool but this is ridiculous. However, William finds this situation to be hilarious, he can't get enough. He calls Alistair my new boyfriend and when he does, either Kate or I, we taser him. The others, well I sorta went into the Cullen's mind and I have seen what they have been thinking. Anndd... they don't like it one bit. They don't understand why they get angry whenever William calls Alistair my boyfriend but they don't say anything or act on their dislike towards Alistair. Unlike Edward, he gets angry and I find it amusing. Yesterday Edward yelled at Alistair, telling him to stop pestering me around. Everyone stared at Edward confused and shocked, even Edward was confused by his action. He turns to me then at Alistair before abruptly leaving us there with our mouths wide. I wanted to laugh so hard but I couldn't, it wasn't the time or place to do so.

"Do you have someone?" Alistair suddenly asked walking towards me. We were outside training, everyone stopped and turned to me. I saw William held in his laugh and quickly moved away from Kate's reach. Without answering him I continue training with Benjamin. He was teaching me how to control fire. Surprisingly Benjamin wanted to teach me his gift and I agreed. Learning to control the elements is cool. I named Benjamin, the Egyptian Aang and he calls me Bastet, Egyptian Goddess.  He said since I'm a copycat I should be named after a Catlike, so he named me after Bastet, the Goddess who looks like a CAT.

"Why do you want to know?" Peter said walking towards Alistair. Peter and Charlotte, friends of Jasper, we have been getting along. I went against the both of them, one against two. I almost came close to losing but in the end, I won. Peter mentioned that I'm almost as good as Jasper and that what caused me to almost lose. Hearing Jasper's name caused me to get distracted but with William's shouts, I was able to remove Charlotte's deadly hold and block Peter's strike. They called William and me, cheaters but William's respond made them stop. When it comes to the fight there's no honor, no code. All that matters is the win and we take nothing for granted.

After Peter watched William and I battle against each other, he asked if either of us had been in the army. Of course I haven't, however, William told them about the Battle of New Orleans. That's how William became a vampire, he was found by a nomad passing through when he spotted William almost dying. Hating himself and what he has become, William left to the crest of the Rocky Mountains and since then he's been alone, well until I showed up. 

Surprisingly Charlotte and I been getting along, she and Peter call me the female Jasper. Since I'm so closed off and don't talk to anyone besides William. And also because I could detect someone's mood as easy as Jasper could. I think I'm able too since I was close to Jasper when I was a human. I also believe I could read minds because I spend a lot of time with Edward. Peter and Charlotte have been telling me stories about Jasper when he was the ex-lover of Maria, his creator. Neither of them has gifts but their combat skills are enough to make some change their minds. Although they haven't seen Jasper in a long time, they both care and cherish him. I appreciate that since Jasper doesn't seem to get along with others and I'm happy he got two loyal friends to back him whenever he needs too. 

Whenever I see them act like a couple I can't help but think about Jasper. Is he okay? Has he been hunting normally? Is Alice alright? Where in the world are they right now? I asked Peter about the last time he saw Jasper. I asked him to describe how he looks. At first, he thought it was strange but he told me anyways. What I found was truly heartbroken. Peter said that even though Jasper rarely shows any expression, he wasn't the same. Peter described Jasper as an empty shell of a man, that he was not the same Jasper he once met. He was not the God of War and that scared him even more. Peter said even when Jasper was the God of War he still had some logic and reason within himself, but now it seems as though he didn't. He said that Jasper appeared to be a man without hope, without any purpose, and that is truly dangerous for us all.

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