13. The house visit

Start from the beginning

" I .Can't. bReathE." She says, finally grabbing Taehyung's wrist so he stops.

" Just-Just Give me a SeCOnd to explain-AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA-STOB IT." She squeals like a little girl.

" Don't stop Taehyung until she loses air," Yoongi said, folding his arms. Mina gives him a look.

" That's a bit too much-" Mina begins.

" True. Hey Taehyung? Just don't stop. It's fine if she's not breathing anymore, I'll discard the body later myself." Yoongi says and Mina laughs before stopping herself.

" Tae-Taehyung we're-We're best friends - RiGht? ComE on- whY are you tak-kIng their side? " she asks, hands holding his wrists once again.

Taehyung chuckles, stopping for a second to let Kris breathe.

" On the contrary Ris, I'm having the time of my life right now."

" You. MoNster." She hisses.

The two would have looked like they were in an intense couple brawl at this point seeing how Kris was underneath Taehyung, with red cheeks, while panting heavily.

Before Taehyung could do anything else to the worn-out Kris, her sister walks downstairs, with a small laugh escaping her lips while she reaches the bottom step.

" Having fun?" She asks.

The three nod their heads and Kris takes the time to escape from Taehyung, and run into the kitchen to grab some water.

" Some sister I have." She mutters on the way.

" Ms.Kim-" Yoongi begins.

" No, that's my name in school. You're talking to Kris's older sister right now, so call me Taeyeon." She says with a warm smile, adjusting her cherry-colored top.

" Taeyeon Noona then."

Mina had to rolls her eyes as Yoongi tests the name out on his tongue

" That's cute." Taeyeon laughs before heading into the kitchen to make the said tea.

Taehyung and Yoongi follow her like chicks, just like every boy in Mina's stupid music class.

" Is it just a coincidence that you paired me and Yoongi up? " Mina asks, walking slowly into the kitchen as well. Kris glances at Taeyeon quickly with pleading eyes, and Taehyung watches the subtle action with a smug look 

"  Mina-SSI you do kind of understand that you lack in playing the piano right? I pair up my students based on logic, not coincidence," she said, watching the water boil in the kettle, she dumped in the tea powder before looking at Mina's blank expression.

" You also seem to understand a bit more when Yoongi helps you out—"

" No, I don't." The answer came out suddenly.

Yoongi watched as Mina's hands grasp the edge of her shirt tightly. 

"You're sure about that? "

" Very. "

Kris cleared her throat and grabbed five cups, and the container of sugar, placing it beside Taeyeon who poured the hot liquid into each one.

Taehyung grabbed his cup and sipped it, watching intently.

" Anyways—" Taeyeon began,

" I heard Kris was planning a party. Why don't you guys sit on the couch? I have a few things to do in my room before I come down again." She said, settling the kettle down and giving them, especially Mina, a curt wave before she walked upstairs.


Yoongi held his cup in his hand, sipping every once in a while thinking about the incident before. He was sitting on the couch while Taehyung Mina and Kris were cutting the watermelon up.

The way Taeyeon Noona and Mina talked to each other seemed anything but friendly. He saw the way hurt flickered past Mina's eyes when Taeyeon said the words "lacking ."

He didn't seem to understand Mina's reasoning at all at this point. She said to herself that she hated the piano and didn't seem to mind when he teased her about it.

Then he remembered what she said about her mother when the two were practicing on Saturday.

" She just got so crazy about it and, I just dropped learning piano after she made me— after she just went too far with her expectations."

She had left out something when she said those words and Yoongi was curious as to what it could be.

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