Chapter 44: Mutated

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    "What do you mean you're taking my soulmate for genetic testing?" I asked, listening to the surprise that arose in my voice.

    Cassia stared at me, and then gave me a small smile as if I was child she had to over explain simple ideas to. "We are taking her to the Genetic Anomaly Laboratory where she will have a few tests don," she explained as she gathered up the materials I would need to run her lab for the day.

    I watched her, how careful she was with the manila folders, as if they were her babies, and perhaps this job is her child. "Can I go?" I asked, but when I saw her face I felt the need to clarify, "I want to see the lab, not my soulmate. I think I should approve of this place before you forcefully bring her there.

    She snorted and went back to organizing, was she stalling? "She is not your concern at the moment; you haven't even met her yet! This is a government order, so you have no control whether or not we bring her there," she explained, rolling her eyes slightly.

    I gritted my teeth, my jaw was tight, and I wondered what words would tumble out of my mouth next. "I still want to go there," I insisted, listening to how bossy I sounded.

    She finally looked me in the eyes, standing there with her hands on her hips. "I am not even allowed to go in. I am simply picking her up and dropping her off. You are not allowed to go in unless you have a genetic flaw and are not allowed to be around those who are genetically impure."

    What was that supposed to mean? Instead of asking her, I stormed out of the room to ask someone else, anyone else if I could just go. I had a bad feeling about letting my soulmate go to such a place. Quickly, I went to the break room and luckily Jeffrey was standing there, pouring himself a cup of coffee. He looked startled to see me, but I didn't give him the chance to ask me what I was doing. "I want to go to the Genetic Anomaly Laboratory. If I'm going to be working here, then I think I deserve to understand what happens there," I insisted, trying to make my voice sound firm without overstepping my boundaries.

    He blinked a few times and then took a sip of his coffee as if he was deep in thought. "I am a little surprised, no one usually shows any interest in that division. Actually, they normally show disgust. Cassia must have told you we would be taking your soulmate there today?" he replied with a small amused smile on his face.

    All I could do was nod my head; I wanted him to keep talking, but he just sipped at his coffee. "So can I go see it today, before my soulmate gets there?" I asked, feeling like a child asking for permission.

    He looked towards the ceiling as if the answer would be there, and then back to me with a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "I really appreciate your enthusiasm, and I also understand your concern for your soulmate. So, I suppose I can make an exception, and I will take you there, but just be prepared, you may not enjoy what you see," he warned, but his voice was even and nonthreatening.

    We didn't say much as he drove me to the building that reminded me of an old prison from before we had the matching system. In history class we learned that most of these were supposed to be destroyed; we really had no reason for jail. The majority of people were happy because they found their soulmates and they strive to live these beautiful, fairy-tale lives. Sure, there are still courts to resolve small disputes, but the rate of crime has gone down dramatically. So why did they decide to use this prison building?

    He took me through the building, and it seemed to be empty. Then we went into the elevator and went up to the second floor where doors lined both sides of the hallway. Everything was cold and grey. It seemed spotless, but I knew it was hiding something evil. "Everyone here has some kind of genetic mutation, so we can not allow them to be in the matching pool," he explained as we walked down the hall.

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