Connor nodded slightly.

Maybe Hank was right. 

Connor could still be friends with Gavin.

But maybe that's where their relationship should stop.

Being anything more than friends would be catastrophic.

Because deep down... Connor knew that Gavin's hatred towards androids would never change.


"Two days in a row seeing this asshole." Gavin groaned getting out of the car. Niner followed, making sure to carefully close the passenger door.

"Why are we here, if you don't mind me asking, Detective?"

Gavin sighed, "Come on, Niner. You can call me Gavin. We're partners now so we might aswell get along."

"Okay. Gavin." Niner paused with a slight smile on his face, "Why are we here?"

"Elijah is just gonna show me everything relating to androids. He's gonna show me how he makes 'em and shit like that so I can understand people like you better."

Niner's smile grew, "Connor would like that."

"That's why I'm doin' it." Gavin winked, heading towards the front door to knock.

"Will... Will Chloe be here?" Niner asked as his feet shuffled, his hands behind his back.

Gavin smirked at him, "Why? Got yourself a little crush, huh, Niner?"

"N-No. I just found her... enjoyable to talk to last night whilst I was waiting for you and Connor."

"I'll take your word for it Mr. 'I'm not a deviant'." Gavin patted Niner's shoulder as the front door opened. They were greeted by the familiar android.

"Mr. Reed. Niner." Chloe smiled, her eyes on Niner, "Elijah will be ready to talk in about five minutes. Please. Come in." she stepped aside.

"It's uhh... Good to see you, Chloe." Gavin said walking in with Niner not too far behind.

"You too, Mr. Reed."

"That's even worse than callin' me Detective. Just Gavin is fine." he assured her. He was trying to be nice to androids...

Chloe nodded, closing the door, "Of course." she then grabbed onto Niner's arm gently, "How have you been?"

Gavin rolled his eyes with a smile and went to sit down.

"G-Good. You?" Niner asked.

"Pretty well, thank you. What are you doing here with Gavin?"

"I've been assigned as his new partner. He asked me to accompany him."

Gavin ignored their interactions as he got out his phone. He had text from Hank.


Gavin: Out.

Lt. Asshole: yeah, no shit! where? I got shit to say to you

Gavin: It's none of your business so back off

Lt. Asshole: Fuck you! You even think about talking to Connor again and that's it!

Gavin: Don't make threats u cant fulfill hanky

Lt. Asshole: You might want to quit whilst you still can

Gavin: i broke up with connor for his sake, hank. why the fuk r u pissed at me?! I thought u woulda been happy that im not with him anymore! jesus...

Lt. Asshole: I am happy. Connor will find someone much better than you. Im pissed off at you cuz you've made his life a living hell. You need to get your ass back to the station and tell him that he needs to forget about you and live his own fucking life. You will never love him and you need to tell him that.

Gavin:  u dont know me hank. im perfectly capable of lovin ur 'son'. thats why im out at kamskis. im talkin to him about androids so i can learn to undestand em better

Lt. Asshole: You will never get my approval asshole.

Gavin: Dont need it. Connor can make his own damn decisions. hes a fuckin adult

He quickly put his phone away as Chloe motioned for both him and Niner to follow, "This way." she said. They headed past the pool and towards the giant window before taking a seat.

"Ah. You're here." Elijah smiled as he entered the room, making his way over to the three. He took a seat before looking at Niner, "I believe we didn't get a chance to talk last night." he held out a hand, "It's always a pleasure to meet a new model."

Niner leaned over and shook his hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you too, Mr. Kamski."

"Why isn't Connor with you?" Kamski wondered.

"What the fuck is this? Marriage counselling? Connor doesn't need to be here." Gavin stated.

"You two seemed inseperable." Elijah smirked leaning back in his chair and clasping his hands together.

Gavin rolled his eyes, "After coming here last night I realised that I shouldn't be with Connor. So I called it off. That's that. Now can we just get to fucking talking."

"Perhaps we should catch up with one another first." he suggested before looking to Chloe, "Chloe. Would you mind fixing up some coffee?"

"Not at all." she smiled before standing, she looked at Niner, "Care to help?"

"Oh. O-Of course." Niner nodded as he stood and followed.

Kamski smiled as he watched the two androids leave the room, "Ah... Young love. Between two androids. Fascinating isn't it?"

Gavin just glared at him.

"So tell me... How have things been?" Kamski questioned.


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