"Annie??" William asked looking at Edward then at Bella confused.

"Didn't you guys say she's dead?" William stares at Bella and she shook her head.

"It's complicated," Bella said before turning to the others. William turns to me and I Shrugged. So apparently I'm still alive, well according to the Volturi. But I thought Edward didn't believe I was coming back? What changed his mind?

"Why does he need witnesses?" Emmett asked and Alistair steps forward.

"To spread the word that justice has been served. After he slaughters an entire coven," Alistair said staring at Carlisle.

"Benjamin, Tia, we're leaving," Amun said standing up.

"And where will you go? What makes you think they'll be satisfied with Alice? What's to stop them from going after Benjamin next? Or Zafrina, Kate or even Hazel-" they all turn to me and I felt weird. Thank Eddie for the non-welcoming attention.

"-- or anyone else with a gift? Anyone they want. Their goal isn't punishment, it's power. It's acquisition. Carlisle might not ask you to fight, but I will. For the sake of my family. But also for yours. And for the way you want to live," Edward said looking around this room. There's a moment of silence as the vampires look at each other, then Jacob stands.

"The packs will fight. We've never been afraid of vampires," Jacob said making me smile. Only he would say that in a room full of vampires. The Denali's stand.

"We will fight," Tanya, the leader of the coven said and her people nod. Seeing Kate stand Garrett also stands.

"This won't be the first time I fought a king's rule," Garrett said nodding towards Edward.

"We'll join you," Benjamin said surprising them all.

"No!" Amun said staring at Benjamin.

"I will do the right thing, Amun. You may do as you please," Benjamin replies back to his creator.

"We will stand with you," Senna said. She is from the Amazon coven.

"So will we," Siobhan said. The other vampires start to step forward, telling them they will join them. William and I were the last one to say anything. They were all staring at us.

"What?" William asked a bit annoyed.

"Will you stand with us?" Edward asked staring at me then at William. I hear William scoffed.

"We're here, aren't we?" William said rudely and I smacked his chest. William grunts.

"Damn it, Hazel," he said rubbing his chest. I see Garrett and Emmett smirk at me.

"I will stand with you only if she does," William said turning to me. Or some reason everyone tense. Am I really that creepy?

"William you know I will stand with them no matter what" William frowns.

"You might get hurt," William said and this time I scoffed. William rolls his eyes and smiles.

"You sure?" he asked and I nodded.

"I don't know why I even asked," he said shaking his head. A few seconds later he turned to Edward. They stared at each other before William speaks up.

"We will stand you with," William said and I saw the others relax.

"That didn't take much," Vladimir said smirking and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that," Edward said and Alistair rolls his eyes.

"We'll see," Alistair said to Carlisle before walking away.

Everyone showed courage. Though we knew that Aro's army was coming for us. Soon enough we'll have to face the dark gifts or Jane. And worse, the paralyzing vapor of her brother Alec. But I had a trick up my sleeve and I wanted to see if it works. Dean said that I can be whatever I wanted with whatever powers I desire. He also said that my telepathy is only the beginning of something great. I have a clue what he meant but I wanted to try it before I face with death again. Perhaps when Bella is training I will try it out.


Annie's Black 'veil':
  Remember the whole concept of her wearing this veil or covering so that no one can recognize her. She must hide her face, her her body shape and she must not talk. No one must recognize her. Dean wanted her to look creepy so they won't get any ideas about her true identity. Also, he thought it would be funny to see her walking around like this >.<


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