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After an hour flight, the plane had finally landed and I couldn't wait to get off and away from the crazy person that was sitting next to me. The entire flight she just kept staring at me, I fell asleep at one point while she was watching me and when I woke up she was still watching at me. And the scariest part was she was still in the same position.

I swear next time I'm just going to drive all the way here, cause then I won't have creepy people staring at me 24/7. I made my way out the exit and spotted my ajusshi waiting for me with a huge smile plastered on his face.

"AJUSSHI!!" I shouted and ran to him. I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a tight squeeze. He returned the gesture but he squeezed me to the point that I couldn't breathe.

"Oh, Siria-ssi~ I've missed you so much!" He sang in my ear.

"I-I've missed...you too...but I can't...breathe!" He let me go and chuckled while I gasped for air.

We got my bags and went to the car to go to their house. I've only been to their house once when I was nine, and from what I remember they live in a mansion, just like us. My ajusshi is my dad's business partner, so he makes quite a lot of money. And my ajumma is my mom's assistant, she does all the business here that my mom can't do because she’s overseas all the time. They aren't actually family related but they are like family. Besides my parents cut all ties with my real family cause they kept asking my parents for money and when they said no they would try and hurt my parents in any way. Once they kidnapped me when I was five and asked for a lot of money in return. After that, my parents decided to get a restraining order and disowned my entire family. I got to admit, I wish I had a big family with cousins, grandparents and all that jazz, maybe then I wouldn't be so lonely. I would've had someone to talk to and all of this could've been avoided, but I respect my parent's decision and I also understand why they did it.

We pulled up to the gate and my jaw dropped to the floor. This place is much bigger than I remember, it's even bigger than my house. We drove in and parked the car in front of the entrance. A young man came running to the car and opened the door for me and offered me a hand to get out. I politely took it and muttered a thank you with a friendly smile.

He smiled back, a really gorgeous, bunny smile - wait what am I thinking. He got my bags out the car with the help of an elder man and took them inside, I'm guessing to my room.

"That's Mr Park Jinyoung, the elderly one and the younger one is Mr Jeon Jungkook, he goes to the same school as you and if I remember correctly he's in the same grade as you." I stopped in my tracks and stared at my ajusshi in disbelief, he just told me that the boy named Jungkook is going to be going to be in the same school as me and probably same class as well and you expect me to remain calm? HELL NO! I might embarrass myself here and when we go to school he might tell everyone. Which means that I came here for nothing and it's going to be just like it was back in Seoul.

I shook off the thought and continued to walk with my ajussi till we got to the kitchen. My ajumma was busy cooking and her back was facing us. I snuck up behind her and gave her a back hug.

"Paboya!!" she jumped and hit my hand to make me release her. I did just that and she turned around with her hand raised in the air holding a wooden spoon ready to strike. A smiled at her mischievously and she heaved a sigh. She glared at me and flicked my forehead.

"Ouch~" I whined and rubbed the spot she flicked.

The night went by quickly considering I only got here at 11:45 pm. Ajumma said that we'll be going shopping tomorrow, just her and I, and spend the day catching up. Ajusshi whined a lot cause he said he wanted to come with but ajumma said girls need to have alone time sometimes. I really admire these two, they're so cute with each other and their marriage is basically perfect. Yeah, they still fight but they always apologize and forgive each other immediately after the fight. It's really inspirational and I strive to have a marriage like theirs when I'm older.

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