Requested Aaron

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How they meet


 Aaron's POV

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Aaron's POV

I was just sitting in the living room, playing on the console when I called for Buddy. "Buddy!" I was surprised when I didn't hear him running to meet me since he was usually really good at answering to his name. "Buddy?" I asked, getting to my feet and deciding to venture into the rest of the house. Maybe he was just asleep on someone's bed?

Time Skip: After searching

Nope! Definitely not on someone's bed. I was now racing around the house like a maniac. "Has anyone seen Buddy?" I asked. I had even gotten the rest of the house involved in trying to find him. "The door's open!" Elton yelled and I went running. I gasped and worry over took me for a moment. "No, no, no!" I exclaimed, running out into our drive way. "Dammit!" I yelled, running my hands through my hair, making it look even more messy. I looked at Elton who was already putting on his shoes. "Come on, we can find him." He assured me and we took out onto the roads, shouting his name as loud as we could as we ran up and down street after street. "Buddy! Buddy!"


I was doing my usual run- that may or may not end with a stop at a doughnut shop- when I spotted the cutest dog I had ever laid eyes on. "Hello!" I exclaimed and it ran up to me, barking happily. I crouched in front of it and stroked its ears for a moment. "What's your name?" I asked in a baby voice, checking its collar. "Buddy?" I asked and he barked excitedly. "Hello Buddy!" I smiled, picking him up gently. "Where is your owner?" I inquired, walking a little down the street and glancing around. I could hear faint shouts so I decided to head in that direction- my doughnut shop could wait a little bit longer.

I trailed the streets for a few minutes, Buddy licking my face since I was holding him close to my chest despite his constant wriggling. I giggled and tickled under his chin as he licked my nose. "You're so cute." I commented, when I heard someone shout, "Buddy!" I spun around and saw a frantic man glancing in every direction possible. "Excuse me!" I yelled, jogging a little down to him. His face lit up when he saw the dog in my arms and I smiled at his reaction- he was a pet lover. "You found him!" He shouted in joy, grinning broadly. "Here you go." I said, content with the fact that the man really was his owner considering how happy he seemed to be. He was bouncing the dog up and down, making me chuckle. He laughed too and held out his hand. "Aaron." I shook his hand and responded, "Y/N." He nodded and smiled, before turning a little red. "I have to thank you for finding my dog, could I take you out to lunch?" He asked a little nervously and I smiled at his offer. "Erm, sure! Do you have your phone? I can give you my number?" I suggested and he handed me his phone. I gladly typed in my number, saving it under 'Y/N- Dog Saver' with a heart. He smiled at the name and said, "I'll definitely call." I smirked and felt my cheeks heat up, "I'm counting on it." With that I turned around and jogged back down the street, already excitedly waiting for the second he calls.

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