Requested Sam

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How they react when you have an asthma attack


 Y/N's POV

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I grinned at Sam as we ran round the block, somehow I had managed to get him to join me on a run and it was very entertaining watching him jog down the road, red faced and panting for breath. He returned my smile and we carried on for a few minutes, making one another laugh as we passed down the street side by side.

As we turned a corner I suddenly felt my chest tighten. I coughed a little, but the feeling remained. Then, it was as if something heavy was sitting on top of my chest. I slowed to a stop, resting my hands lightly on my knees as I bent over a little, just trying to catch my breath as it felt like it had been knocked right out of me. My breathing had become sharp intakes of breath, but they were barely allowing any air into my lungs and I began to panic slightly. Sam stopped nearby and cast me a worried look as he ran back over to me, but I just focussed on the ground below.

I was scared. Terrified even. I knew what it was, an asthma attack, and I had forgotten my inhaler back at the house.

I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping it would go away but it only got worse. I could hear myself wheezing as a hand was placed gently on my back. My eyes shot open to see Sam by my side, making me stand up straight. I allowed him to guide me, anything would be helpful. He straightened my back so the air would flow more easily and said, "Breath with me. In... and out." He instructed, his hands lightly on my forearms for reassurance. I let out shaky breaths, but with each one they began to get longer and more oxygen filled my lungs. "I... was terrified." I admitted was my breathing had settled and became more normal. He nodded, still slightly worried. "I got you baby, I'll always have you." He said, kissing my forehead lightly and wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "We'll walk back, and then you take your inhaler." He ordered in a kind, caring voice that seemed full of concern. I nodded and leaned into him, just glad that it was all over, and that I had him by my side. Without him the results might not have been so good, considering he had calmed me down and helped my breathing.

I was lucky to have him in so many ways.


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