Requested Colby

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You're at a dance competition


 Y/N's POV

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Somehow I had escaped out of the house without many questions; my dancing outfit hidden away in a bag over my shoulder. I rushed over to my car and jumped in, dropping my bag in the seat beside me.

Colby's POV

I watched Y/N slip out of the house, wearing my hoodie I that had given her on one of our exploration videos when she was cold. I frowned slightly, grabbing my keys and watching her out the window. She had put something in the seat beside her before pulling out of the drive. I waited for a moment before running to my own car, curious as to where she always ran off to at the same tiems roughly every week.

Time Skip: Dancing studio


I burst into the makeup area and threw myself in the artists chair with a slight 'thump'. She smiled down at me and I grinned- I was always almost late but she never seemed to mind. Quickly, she got to work on my makeup as a man did my hair to save time so I could change. The makeup was subtle but still striking and my hair was simple yet elegant. Once they had finished I thanked them multiple times before dashing off to change into my dance outfit before the competition started.

I put on my hoodie that may of may not have been my best friend Colby's, it was just so comfy that I had never given it back and he had never asked. I hid my hands in the slightly too long, sleeves out of nerves and bit my lip as I went deep into thought for a few minutes. I gasped when I felt a hand land on my shoulder, making me jump. I looked up to see Adam, my dance partner. "You ready to win?" He asked with a smile and I hesitantly nodded. "You'll do great." He assured me, seeing my worried expression. I let out a long breath and took off the hoodie, placing it gently on my chair and running backstage as Adam pulled me behind him as fast as he could since the competition was about to begin. My heart was racing but I forced the nerves away. I could do this.

Colby's POV

I arrived at a dance competition? I watched her as she ran in, throwing a bag over her shoulder. Still very confused, I followed, but joined the audience instead thinking that must have been where she headed- I began looking for her amongst the different and new faces.


"Now on stage is Y/N and Adam, for their duo dance." A man introduced. I held my head high as I walked on the stage confidently, any nerves or scary thoughts I had been having were pushed out of my head completely. I looked at Adam and he nodded slightly, letting me know it was going to be okay. I nodded back and the music met my ears. I let it take over as I performed the dance we had practised until it had been seared into our minds.

Time Skip: End of Dance

Our routine finished with a flourish. I was panting as I stared up at Adam and the applause roared around us, drowning everything else out. "We did it." I mouthed with a grin, and he returned it stepping away. We bowed and listened to the results as the claps died away. "Flawless." One judged announced, holding a ten. I squealed and gripped Adam's hand tightly. "Just, perfect." Another said, holding a ten and we jumped with joy. "I have seen many performances in my life with that song..." The third judge began and me and Adam held out breaths. "But that was by far the best." He revealed a nine. I jumped into Adam's arms and he swung me around. "We did it!" We both shouted, grinning as he set me down beside him. The crowd began to clap again and I glanced around, until a familiar face caught my eye.


I didn't have time to speak to him as I was herded away by Adam backstage once more. We waited anxiously backstage, which had now fallen silent due to the tension building between each dancer.

Finally, the results were to be announced. We walked on stage together, and my eyes scanned the crowd until they found Colby's blue ones staring intently at me. I took a deep breath and focussed on the person announcing our scores. "Zoe and Zach in third with an amazing 25." We clapped and gave them both a smile. "Sophie and Sam in second with 27 points." We clapped again and tensed, just waiting. "And in first... Y/N and Adam with 29!" I gasped and beamed as Adam hugged me tight.

This was amazing!

Quickly, I grabbed Colby's hoodie and slipped it on, slinging my bag over my shoulder. I pushed through the crowds until I spotted Colby making his way out of the doors. I fell silent at the sight of him. "Y/N!" He shouted, pushing through the filing out crowds and stopping in front of me. "You were amazing." He commented in awe, making me blush slightly. "Thanks." I mumbled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. Adam joined us and gave me a side hug. "Amazing as always Y/N, see you next week for a new dance routine." He smiled walking away as I waved, bidding him goodbye. I looked back at Colby to see his face drop. "What is it?" I asked worriedly but he shrugged it off. "Since when did you get a boyfriend?" He sneered and I gasped at his accusation. "Excuse you?" I asked in a sarcastic voice with anger lacing my words, but he simply stormed out- leaving me standing alone looking like an idiot. I huffed and soon followed, heading to my own car.

Time Skip: Arriving back at the house

I walked in and ran straight up to my room before anyone could see my dance costume. I got changed into a pair of sweatpants and a tank top, before taking out my hair and washing off my makeup. I sighed and headed back downstairs when I bumped into Colby, but he still looked mad. "What did I do?" I snapped, glaring at him slightly since he had never given me an answer back at the dance place. He tried to ignore me by heading into the living room but I only followed. "Just tell me!" I yelled, growing impatient. He abruptly turned around, and my face was only inches away from his. I could feel his breath hit my face and I took a step back. "Are you and Adam.... a thing?" He asked and I couldn't help the laugh that made it past my lips at his assumption. "Adam? He's my cousin." I explained and his face softened before turning red out of embarrassment. "Sorry." He mumbled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. I sighed and smiled, "It's alright. But why were you so jealous? Honestly, I only do you-know-what with him." I said, glancing at the guys who were not watching our conversation intently due to my shout and his red face. "Well- I really, really, really! Like you." He said and I fell silent out of shock. My best friend, my crush- just admitted to liking me back! "I, really, like you too." I said back quietly, my eyes dropping to my feet.

I felt his hand under my chin, and he lifted my head so our eyes met. Then, his lips were on mine. I gasped slightly but immediately kissed back. It was amazing.

The guys were wolf whistling and cheering which made me go red as he pulled away. "Will, you be my girlfriend?" He asked hesitantly and I grinned, pulling him in for a second kiss. It was more passionate than the first which was slow and sweet. "Yes." I breathed, resting my forehead against his.

Today- two of my dreams came true.

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