Requested Colby

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Suicide Bridge


 Y/N's POV

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We were all gathered around the Ouija board. I stood close to Colby as I gently placed my fingers on top of the planchette. I took a deep breath and Colby gave me a small smile as he peered down at me. I hesitantly returned it and focussed on the board since Sam had begun to circle the planchette.

Elton was teasing Corey from behind the camera, making us all laugh. I chuckled slightly until they finally got Corey and I to ask the first question since we were both the most frightened of the game. "Is there anyone who wants to talk to us?" We asked together reluctantly and slowly. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end as it slowly moved to 'yes'. I pulled my hand away, feeling as if something cold was touching it. Corey took his hand off too, and it began moving. I glanced up at Corey and we both shared the same worried look. "Ask it why." Said Elton and me and Corey glared at him. "Why do you want to talk to them?" Colby asked. I smacked him in his arm, hard. It was bad enough it responded, now they were asking questions about me and Corey? Well that's just great! I had a scowl on my face as I glared at the board and wrapped my arms around myself to keep out the cold. "D, E, A, T, H." Corey read aloud since he seemed to be staring at the board intently, his hands in his hoodie pocket. My face fell to an unreadable expression. "No..." Said Colby, going suddenly serious. I looked nervously up at Corey. "One of us?" I asked and he shrugged, not being able to get words past his lips. I went to speak but there was the sound of twigs snapping that cut me off before I had even begun. We all spun around and stared into the trees surrounding us. I gripped Colby's arm, and he intertwined our fingers. I was scared.

Once we had assured each other there was nothing there, the others went to play the board again as I went off camera for a moment, and stood behind Elton. I gasped quietly, and felt my back. Something was stinging. I frowned and pulled off my hoodie to reveal my tank top. I tried to see if there was anything there as I shivered slightly but I couldn't. "Hey Elton? Is there anything on my back?" I asked, catching everyone's attention. He stood behind me and ran his fingers over my back. I winced in pain and stepped away quickly from his touch. "What was that?" I asked worriedly and he recorded it on the camera to show the viewers whilst Amanda took a picture for me. She showed me the image and I fell silent.

They were claw marks.

I looked up at the group who were staring in concern at me. Amanda helped me put my hoodie back on and Colby wrapped his arms around me instinctively. But I didn't think that would be much help against a ghost, however I appreciated the warmth nonetheless. "Can we go?" Corey asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence that had fallen on our group. "Y-yeah." Stuttered Elton as we began packing our things.

We were really shaken up after that night. We had physical proof, that there was something there.

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