Fun night with the guys.

Start from the beginning

"Hey Li, can you make the fire for us?" I called. Liam noded and walked over.

"Lou, hand me the lighter" Liam damanded and Louis obeyed. We all bent down and started the fire. I felt Louis staring at me..I just ignored it. Then I saw him gasp from the corner of my eye.

"What Lou?"

"HICKEY, HICKEY.... KYLIE HAS A HICKEY, HAZZ SOMEONE HAS BEEN SUCKING ON YOUR SISTERS NECK, I SWEAR HICKEY, HICKEY, HHIICCCKKEEEEEEYYYY! (A/N a hickey is the same thing as a love bite I know some people call it something different) Louis yelled and everyone stared at him. but then they all rushed over. I quckly covered my neck with my hand. Shit. shit. shit. Why does Louis have to be soo loud and observant....Dammit. this must have been from earlier.

"Kylie, what is he stalking about?" Harry asked.

"HA I thought I saw something earlier...oohh lalalla" Danielle sang. I snuck a glance at Niall. He wanted to laugh I could see it. I just smiled at him and he smiled back. Oh gosh this is going to be a hard one to get out of...

"Urm..Its not a hickey...Louis accadently hit me in the neck with some wood" I said.

"But I never-" I cut louis off by slaping my hand over his lips. He started to rease me by licking my hand. It was gross but I igrored it.

"But Kylie we saw it earlier, before you and Lou went to look for wood" Eleanor said.

"Uhh.. no you didnt, It was a reflection, It happens all the time when you go into the room" I tolled them. They eventully caught on and just shruged and went back to to preparing fot the night. Eventully evryone went back to what they were doing and Lou, Liam and I were still working on the fire.

"Honestly Kylie, Your a horrid Liar" Liam tolled me and I shrugeed.

"Yeaahhh, who did you get the hickey from?" Louis asked.

"The tree..." I tolled him sarcasticly

"HAHA verry funny now tell me" Louis said.

"well...urm....It was from...Niall" I said.

"OH YEAH NIALL HAS BALLS" Louis yelled causing Niall and the others to turn around. Niall looked directly at me and laughed. I just shook my head. Liam finally made the fire. And the rest got evrything set for the computer and made four bowls of popcorn and prepared the smores and candy. Niall and Zayn got the beach chairs out and we all sat around the fire while the movie played. I reconized it the second it turned on. It was the noteook. I knew it was harry who picked it out. He loved chick flicks. Thats one thing that barely anybody knew about Harry. I looked over at Niall. He had his guitar out. He was plucking a few chords I didnt know what it was, but it was good.

"AW man, my marshmellow fell in the fire!!" Louis complained. Louis leaned his head on Eleanors shoulder and she comferted him. I looked back at Niall. He was still playing his guitar. It sounded really good. I heard him mumble a few words. I couldnt excatly hear what he was saying. But I could tell it must be good.

"Hey Niall, did you write that?" I wispered to him.

"Yeah, you like it?" He asked.

"Yeah, whats it about?"

"You" He said. I thought that was soo sweet. I cant belive he wrote a song about me. Everything has been soo much fun today. Only because I have spent it with Niall.

"Aww Nialler" I said. I leaned in to kiss him but then I realized we were infront of evrybody. I turned to look around and all the boys were looking at me. Zayn looked really mad. what was wrong with him lately. Note To Self: Check up on Zayn. I thought to my self. I decided to watch the rest of the movie. It was good. Although I've seen it many times. Thanks to Harry. The night was perfect. Just me and my friends. It was fun and relaxing. Untill........

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