My secret date with Nialler

Start from the beginning

"Why did you stop?" I asked.

"I wanted to give you something"

"Really, what?" I asked. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a little  braclet. I looked at it as he put it on my wrist. It had a silver chain with different colored jewls on them. It was beautiful, and it actully matched the dress I was wearing perfectly.

"Like it?" Niall asked. I gave him a quick peck on the lips and noded.

"I love it, its beautiful, thank you so much" I tolled him as I gave him a hug. He stood up off of the sand and helped me get up to. We walked back to the park hand in hand having small talk untill we reached the swings and sat on them

"Soo when are we going to let the boys know whats going on between us?" Niall asked. and I just shruged.

"Oh soo you know, I tolled Liam" I tolled Niall and his eyes got really big.

"But, what if he tells Harry, he is the sensible one...if Harry finds out before we tell him were screwed" Niall said.

"Nah, I tell Li everything, I trust him...he wont say anything" I tolled Niall and Niall raised his eyebrow. He was soo sexy when he did that.

"Oh really now?" Niall asked as he pulled me off of the swing and forceed me to sit on his lap.

"What is it NIall?" I asked.

"I want to be the one you can trust, your best friend and the one you tell everything to. I want to know everything about you Kyles, Everything. No matter or how bad. It will only make me like you more" He tolled me. He pushed my lips to his and gave me a small little kiss.

"Now tell me evrything" Niall tolled me. I was a little scared. Everything? Really..Now thats a lot. What if he judges me. I never really tolled anyone everything.

"Kylie" Niall said.


"Tell me?" He said grabbing my chin and forced me to look at him.

"Ok soo You know my name is Kylie Anne Styles I dont think I need to explain that. I come from Englad. I have a brother who is in this amazin boyband named One Direction, Nialls my favorite. Urmm When I grow up I wana be a song writer.-"

"Wait, you write?"

"Yeahh a little, and sing a bit too" I tolled him

"Thats amazing, are you anygood?" He asked.

"I dont think I am personally No, But Liam and the girls heard me sing in the car today and Liam said that I should sing a song on the aulbumb with you guys after this little holiday" I tolled him.

"If  Liam says you can sing..than you obviously can ...we should bring you into the recording room when we get there, you can meet Simon"

"Simon as in Simon Cowell?" I asked and Niall noded.

"Yup, he'll love you!!" Niall tolled me.

"Um...alright" I aswered and Niall just shook his head.

"Tell me more, I love learning things about you."

"Well, as a kid I had a lot of trouble in school. Not with friends in stuff, but I wasnt exactly popular either, I was average and had a good group of friends. I had a learning disability" I tolled Niall. I cant belive I had just tolled him that. Nobody but my best friend and harry and my family knew that. Yikes. It sliped out.

"What might that me love?" Niall asked.

"I-i....I have dyslexia" I tolled him and he looked at me with a look I have nver seen before. Oh god what does that mean.

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