Chapter four: Something missing?

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Hey guys. Sorry about the long wait. A lot has been going on. Especially with school. Ugh. Ahahaha,well hope this chapter makes up for it. Also hope u guys remember who Ben is. :D

Ben's POV

I pulled up and parked in Gemma's driveway. I read the digital clock on the car radio.

6:50 pm.

( Good. I'm ten minutes early for our date.) I exhale. (Wow, I'm so nervous. I can't believe we've been dating for eight months now. It went by so fast.)

I sit there for a minute, reminiscing about our first date, first kiss, all those precious memories. The only thing to add is the first we say 'I love you.'

" Hopefully tonight will be the night. The night I tell Gemma I'm in love with her." I say to myself.

I say to myself. I tried to say it when we were dating for sixth months, but then Gemma's dad got into that horrible accident. The accident that left her crying for weeks. Then after we hit the seventh month mark, she was preoccupied with taking care if him and trying to deal with his amnesia. She was still coping with the fact that he'll never remember or even his own name for that matter. But now. She feels better. She's become hopeful again. She studies a lot, got involved in tons of clubs, and tried out for softball. We had to work around our schedules to spend time together, but we made it work. Sure, we had our fights and disagreement. But we always made up and reached some kind of compromise. The reason I accepted her suddenly full schedule is cause she's doing it for him. Her father. She wants him to be proud of her. She knows he'll probably never remember anything bout her, or her earlier years, but he's come to recognize her from her frequent visits to the hospital. She'll do anything to have her father back. To hear him call her his little princess again. But if she cant get that, she'll take whatever part of him she can. Even a small part. She'll even take him as the man who remembers her name and shows interest in he and the things she does. Even if half the time he thinks she's a volunteer Candy Striper.

( But I'm determined to be the man that loves her and takes care of her. Hopefully I'll be able to prove that to her tonight, and by some miracle she'll say she loves me too. Well time to face the music.)

I grab the bouquet of yellow roses and the box of chocolate strawberries, get out and head to the front door. I take a deep breath. I ring the doorbell and wait....and wait. I hear nothing going on inside the house. Usually when Gemma running late one of three things happen.

(1.Her mom answers the door.) I look back at the driveway. The only cars there is my black Lexus sedan and Gemma's lil blue Volkswagen bug. ( Ok, that's not it. Ok, 2. Gemma yells down to me, says she's almost ready or something.) I listen. Again, I hear nothing except the neighbors arguing two blocks down. ( And 3. Gemma looks out her window, and gently drops flower petals on me like snow, until I look up and see her. Then she would smile, wave and disappear. A minute later she'd open the front door and jump into my arms and kiss me on my cheek.) I sigh. Then I look up, but my heart sinks. Gemma's not there. Her lights aren't even on. ( Did she forget about our date? No, gemma never forgets our anniversary or any of our dates. Maybe she's asleep. Yeah. She's probably tired.) I ring the doorbell and knock twice. Nothing happens. ( Should I call her?) 

I reach in my pocket and find it empty.(Dang it. Must've left it at home.) I knock again. Nothing.

( Maybe I can climb up the wall and surprise her by appearing at her window.) but then I remember how I tried that once and scared the heck out of her. She almost hit me with a bat, thinking I was some criminal. But she turned on the light, and realized it was me. There. Crisis averted. 

" Ugh, what am I suppose to do?" I mutter.

( It's not like I can just barge into her house and wake her up. She probably locked the door and turned on the burglar alarm.) Out of morbid curiosity and a bit of desperation I grab the doorknob. Knowing that it won't turn, and the door won't open. But I try anyway. It turns and soon I'm inside the house. ( Either that was good luck or a bad sign.) I snort. (How stupid am I? Gemma or her mom probably forgot to lock the door again. Most likely her mom. Oh, well.)

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