Chapter nine: Sweet memories

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Julian’s POV

Beep, beep, beep!!!!! -CRASH!-

( Damn alarm clock.) I tried to go back to sleep. But I couldn’t. The damn clock actually worked this time. “…dammit.” I mumbled. I open my eyes and sit up. I could see bright sunlight coming through my blinds. The light hurt my groggy eyes. I sighed. ( Oww,damn sunlight. Grrr, what time is it anyway?) I look over at my dresser at the side of my bed and see that my alarm clock’s not there. ( Huh? I swear I left it right there.) Then I looked down to see it smashed into pieces. ( Oh, right. I got mad and threw it against the wall cause it was too loud.)

“ Oops.” I shrugged. “ Oh, well. I can always buy another one later.”

I got up and stretched, I felt so stiff. Then laid back down in bed, I know I probably should have taken a shower, but I was too tired. But I was too alert to fall back asleep. So I just laid there thinking. Reveling in this single moment of peace. Then as I lay there, my mind began to wander back to my dream. In my dream I was remembering the first four days I knew Gemma.

It all started at my first day at Carrington High School. It was the beginning of second semester. The middle of my junior year, and I was the new kid. All these kids had grown up here together, while I was the stranger from New Haven, Connecticut. At first I was gonna be a badass and alooth since that was my rep back home, and because all these kids looked stuck up to me. Why should I try to impress a bunch of rich spoiled snobs? But before I could do anything, I saw her coming towards me.

She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, and I’ve seen a bunch of hot chicks. She was different though. It was like she had this glow about her, like an angel from heaven. She had blazing auburn hair and piercing gray eyes. She walked with confidence, but not like a bitch or like she owned everything. Just that she was sure of who she was, and yet had a gentleness about her. Everything about her piqued my interest.

“ Hey stranger. Welcome to Carrington High. I’m Gemma Marquez.” she said in a lilting voice that had a slight accent. She extended her hand to me and smiled. A smile so pure an angel would cry at the brilliance and sweetness of it. With a smile like that it’s hard not to smile back.

I took her hand and said, “ Julian Peters.”

“ Julian Peters…” she tilted her head as she processed that. “ I like it, Julian has a certain ring to it.” she smiled again.

I laughed.“ Thanks. Gemma’s cool too.”

“ Thanks. Well, welcome to Carrington, where absolutely nothing happens.” She giggled at her own joke, which made me laugh. This girl confused me. Even though I enjoyed that she chose to talk to me, I was confused why she did. Usually when I liked a girl I either scared them, or only saw lust in their eyes. Which was the way I preferred it. I was all about partying and having fun. I didn’t want to settle down or be in a committed relationship. Also because I got hurt less when it was just an empty hookup.

So because of my perplexity, I asked her, “ Why are you talking to me?”

She laughed a little. Shrugged and said, “ I don’t know. Because if I was the new kid in a strange town I’d want someone to talk to me. Also I find you rather intriguing…and you’re incredibly cute.” she winked. I blushed. ( Huh, that’s a first.)

She giggled, “ I’d happily show you around, but I have to do the morning announcements. So I asked my friend Kenny to show you around. K, so gotta go. I’ll see you around stranger.” she gave me a sly smirk, a little wave and left.

Then some blond surfer dude came up to me and said, “ Hey, bro. Que pasa? I’m Kenny Reid, your humble tour guide.” He even bowed. I couldn’t help but laugh. This guy seemed cool, and before I would have never considered talking to him. But he seemed funnier than any other beach bum I knew, so I decided to let him show me around. He ended up becoming my best friend from that very first day.

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