Chapter 1

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Kai's POV

*phone call*

'Hey! You're late! The meeting's about to begin.'

"Alright! I'm driving full speed right now. Do you know how dangerous that is!" i replied back at Kyungsoo while trying to focus on driving.


" I'll be there in 10 minutes."

'10 minutes? Everyone's already here,including the director! We're all waiting for you Kai!'

"Fine! I'm hanging up."

*phone call*

Why did I overslept? I drove at the highest speed that I could. The road was empty. No cars . So I took the chance.


It was a message. I checked it and of course it was him again.

Kai! You overslept right? The director is losing his patience! Just...hurry!

Just as I was about to reply I felt as something hit the car. I looked in front and saw nothing. I leaned in a bit closer and I saw blood coming out from an old lady. Oh gosh! I hit someone!

I went out of the car leaving my phone. I went to the old lady and she was hurt! Very, very hurt. She was unconscious.

I went in the car and grabbed my phone. I called the ambulance right away. I put the old lady's head onto my lap. My white coat now is full with blood. Oh gosh! Seriously! I'm a doctor and this happened.

I heard the ambulance. They put her in and I followed them with my car.

As soon as I arrived at the hospital, I saw Kyungsoo waiting right in front of the hospital. Gosh, he looked anxious.

"God! Kai! What took you so long?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm sorry. I can't go. You go ahead. I'll explain to the director myself." i said, feeling rushed. I tried to go get ready for surgery but he grabbed my arm.

"What do you mean you can't? Everyone's waiting for you!"

I sighed. "I have to check on a patient and perform a surgery."

He looked astounded. "What? What patient? "

"I'll tell you later. I don't have time right now." i quickly said back before i left him confused and went to get ready for the surgery.

One of the nurses called the patient's guardian.

Krystal's POV

I was just getting in the classroom when I heard my phone ring. I picked it up and what I heard nearly made me have a heart attack.


I cried out loud. My friends were startled.

My bestfriend,Sulli looked at me and asked me. "Is something wrong?"

"It's my mom. She got in an accident."


She was startled too because she loves my mom just like her mom. Her mom had passed away.

"Lets go to the hospital right now." she grabbed my hands and we ran out of school and headed to Myung Woo hospital.

Mom, please be okay.

Kai's POV

I can't believe it. I'm done for. It failed. The surgery, it wasn't a success. She's gone. She's dead. What am I going to tell her guardian?

I walked out of the surgery room hopelessly. Doctor? I don't deserve to be called that. Right, this is my first year being a surgeon.

I walked out and saw a girl, no two girls. Maybe in high school? One of them went up to me.

Krystal's POV

I saw the doctor coming out. Maybe it's him who performed surgery on my mom? Sulli stayed seated while i went up to him with my red, puffy eyes.

"Doctor, how's my mom? Is she okay?" i asked him. His face looked guilty, like something wrong happened.

He stayed silent, his head down.


I looked at his nametag. Kai?


He looked up at me. "I'm sorry. She's gone. I couldn't save her. I'm sorry."

I felt a lump in my heart. I fell down to the ground. I felt an arm grabbed my shoulder. It was Sulli. I cried my heart out. I called mom between my cries many times. I screamed.

Then, something in my heart told me that the doctor infront of me was the cause of this accident.

I don't know why but it keeps telling me that. It keeps getting stronger.

I stood up and stared at the doctor. We made eye contact. His eyes, their avoiding mine.

Then, it struck me. It was him. He is the cause of my mom's death.

"You made it like this!" i screamed at him.

I grabbed him by the collar and he was suprised.

"It was you! Don't lie. I know it all. You killed my mom! You're not a doctor! A doctor's supposed to save lives but you take lives instead! You took my mom's!"

I kept hitting him in the chest while screaming out the word 'murder' over and over.

He suddenly held my wrist. I tried to struggle out of it but he was too strong. I stopped my movement. I heard him said.

"I'm sorry."

I was furious at what he was saying. I took my pen out of my pocket and aim for his head but Sulli stopped me.

I was not in my right mind.

"I hate you for the rest of my life! What kind of a doctor are you?! I hate you till death!"

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