Chapter 19: Drunken Buzz

Start from the beginning

"Yes?! What?! I can answer anything!"

"Are you drunk?"

Connor shook his head before downing a bottle of beer, "Absolutely not. Wh-What makes you think that?!"

Gavin just stared at him knowingly.

"Okay. Maybe a teeeeensy bit." he said placing a sloppy kiss onto Gavin's cheek.

Okay. Gavin was starting to like drunk Connor.

"I can see why you didn't wanna drink, Niner..." Lara muttered.

Connor then groaned, undoing his tie and letting it hang loosely around his neck, "Did it get hot in here?" he grinned to himself before pressing his lips to Gavin's ear, "Or is it just you?"

"Fuckin' hell, Connor." Gavin rolled his eyes, "Drunk you is fuckin' weird."

"I agree." Niner said, his stare was cold, "Hence why androids shouldn't drink."

Lara sighed. Sure. She wasn't too fond of Connor but... She would like Niner to let loose every now and again like Connor was doing now, "Come on, Niner, you're such a killjoy." she nudged his shoulder with hers.

"Perhaps we should get going, Lara." Niner quickly said, "We do have to be at the station for 11am tomorrow."

"Oh, shit. We do." Lara said in realisation.

"I have called for a taxi and it should arrive in three minutes."

Lara nodded, "You two in tomorrow?" 

Connor was too busy staring into his empty wine glass.

Wait... When did he buy himself wine?!

"I am. Don't think Con is though. Connor?" Gavin asked.

Connor quickly put a finger to Gavin's lips, "Sh. The glass is speaking to me."

Gavin had decided that Connor had officially gone crazy.

"It says that it is empty."

"No shit." Gavin replied.

"I will not stand for that kind of language." Connor announced, "Especially not in this Christian building."

"Wh-What?" Gavin asked, "What the fuck are you even talking about?"

A man came towards the table with a tray in his hand, he placed it on the table before leaving.

"You bought more?!" Lara asked in shock.

Connor moved to grab a can of cider, "It's only cider. Harmlesssssss. Harmless like Gavin's flirtttiing."

"Well when you put it like that... It sounds awful." Gavin folded his arms and leaned back, "How come all of these drinks don't fry your wires or whatever anways?"

"Magic." Connor stated, wrapping his arms around Gavin's waist and resting his head on the man's shoulder.

Gavin loved his boyfriend. His... Extremely drunk boyfriend...

"Taxi is pulling up." Niner said, standing up from the booth, "We shall see you tomorrow, Detective Reed."

"Yeah." Gavin said trying to escape Connor's death grip, "Sure. Nice talkin' to ya."

Lara followed Niner, "See you tomorrow, Reed!" she called back as she left.

Gavin continued to try and escape Connor's arms, "Come on, babe. You're gonna squeeze me to death." he chuckled.

Connor sighed, his arms loosening but remaining around Gavin's waist, his face moving to bury into the side of Gavin's neck, "Have I ever told you that I really fucking love you?" the android muttered.

Gavin's heartbeat went rapid all of a sudden.

Of course he had heard Connor say 'I love you' to him a number of times but... This time it just felt different.

The drink was giving Connor a buzz. The android's lips found Gavin's neck, "Cuz I do. I really do. I really am in love with you, Gavin."

Gavin could feel his face heat up as Connor's words processed in his head.

"You're hot when you blush..." Connor smiled into his neck, "You're so fucking hot."

"God, Con... Drunk you makes you say a lot of shit."

Connor hummed against Gavin's skin, "Jus' makin' sure you know that I love you."

"I do." Gavin nodded as he rested his head ontop of Connor's, "Love you, too, sweetheart." he then suddenly felt his neck get wet. He pulled away slightly to look into Connor's eyes, "What's wrong, babe?" he asked, putting a hand to the android's cheek.

"D-Don't leave me."


"Don't leave me for Lara o-or for the 'upgraded version of me'."

Gavin pecked Connor's lips, "Wouldn't dream of it, Con." he winked.


"Why have my memories been wiped?!" Connor exclaimed as he sat up on the bed.

Gavin groaned, burying his face back into his pillow, "What are you talking about?"

"I have no memories of at least 78% of last night!"

"That's what happens when you drink too much." Gavin yawned, his face still pressed into pillow.

"I couldn't have drank that much!"

Gavin then flipped over and sat up with his back against the headboard, "Come 'ere." he opened his arms to Connor who just raised an eyebrow at him, "Come. Here."

Connor cautiously moved closer. Gavin grabbed him by the waist and made Connor sit in his lap, the android's knees planted on either side of Gavin's legs.

"How about I tell you about what happened last night." Gavin smiled as his hands ran up and down Connor's hips.


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