Chapter 13: Off Work Early

Start from the beginning

Fowler was in complete shock. So was Connor.

"Wh-What?" Fowler asked in confusion.

"I. Love. Connor. Now can we get back to the issue at hand?!" Gavin exclaimed as he stepped back away from the desk and folded his arms, "That goddamn asshole could kill another innocent android. They're classed as people too, now."

Connor had his mouth hanging open as he eyes focused on Gavin.

Had he really just told the Captain that he loved him?

"Wait wait wait..." Fowler said, "You love an android?! The fuck has gotten into you, Reed?!"

"You got a problem with that? I don't see how it has anything to do with this fuckin' Fawkes issue!"

Fowler cleared his throat, "Yes. Of course. Look. Androids are still not completely equal to humans. If things were different I would have Fawkes behind bars for the rest of his life."

"He has assault Connor twice! One of those times resulted in his fuckin' death!"

"There's nothing I can do. It's out of my hands."

Gavin groaned and went to leave, "If I run into that prick again. I will kill him and say that it was in self-defence."

"You do that and then you are off the force, Reed. Don't do stupid shit that you will regret." Fowler warned.

Gavin cursed under his breath before opening the door and exiting the office.

Connor's eyes still followed him through the window.

"I see you and Detective Reed are getting along well." Fowler stated, making the android look at him.

"Y-Yes, Captain."

"So that's why you called off the case... Relationship issues. I'll tell ya... Never in my fuckin' wildest dreams would I have even began to think that Gavin would fall in love with an android."

Connor smiled, "It's still complicated."

"I'll let you go this time. But the next time I assign you two a case together... Don't let your personal issues get in the way."

"Of course, Captain. My apologies."

"Good. Now get the fuck outta here. I'm lettin' both you and Reed off early."

"Th-There's only two hours left of our shift, Captain. Are you sure that you wouldn't like us to stay?"

Fowler shook his head, "I don't want Reed showin' up in here giving me an earful again. So get outta here before I change my mind."

"You have my thanks, Captain."


"The fuck are you two off to?" Hank asked, walking towards them.

"Hank!" Connor smiled, "How did the case go?"

"Better than expected. Found a bunch of Red Ice at an apartment. We got a strong lead." his eyes then shifted to Gavin who was doing his jacket up, "Again. Where you two off to?"

"We got let off work early so we're just going for a walk."

"A walk, huh?"

"Yeah, old man. Got a problem with that?" Gavin glared.

Hank huffed before looking back at Connor, "I guess I can't stop you from going, can I?"

Connor shook his head, "No."

Gavin then grabbed Connor's hand and pulled him past Hank, "See you later, Lieutenant!" he called back.


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