"Again?! " Came a horrified shriek from Minho in the living room. "What do you mean again?"

"You really haven't noticed, have you?" Teresa stopped laughing, realising Minho was being serious. All eyes fell on her, then to Thomas and Newt.

Newt groaned loudly before burying his face into Thomas' shoulder, too embarrassed to look his friends in the eye. It wasn't Teresa's fault she let it slip, but she thought their friends would have noticed by now.

Gally looked like he was going to faint, and Brenda's jaw was dropped so low you could fit a whole fist in it. Frypan and Alby were in the corner trying to contain their laughter, but it was hard not to.

"Sorry," Teresa apologised to Newt and Thomas.

"Don't worry about it, they would have figured it out eventually," Thomas comforted her.

"You guys..." Minho was unable to get his words out.

"We've had sex! Okay?" Thomas blurted out, not being able to take the tension in the room anymore. Admitting that felt like so many weights had been lifted off his shoulders. Newt finally showed his face, biting down on his lip to ensure a smile did not appear on his face.

"Congratulations!" Gally said, laughing and high fiving Thomas. Brenda smiled at them, while Alby and Frypan collected themselves again before fist bumping Newt.

"Anyway, are we going to open our letters?" Teresa said, changing the subject. There was a chorus of "yeah's" as everyone took a seat. "Who wants to go first?"

"I'll go," Alby said, picking up his letter. He tore it open, the wait becoming unbearable. Once it was opened, his eyes scanned over the words, and he smiled. "I got into Brown University to study Computer Sciences!"

He was appraised with claps and cheers. Then it was Frypan's turn, who took the same approach to opening the letter. "I'm going to study Mathematics at Brown University! Holy shit, this means we could be roommates, Alby!"

"Hey, Fry, I thought you were gonna do catering," Brenda said.

"I still want to, but I want to get a degree in maths first," Fry answered with searing positivity.

Like Alby, he was congratulated.

Minho went next, finding out he was going to study Physics at Princeton and, to make things better, Gally would be going there as well but to study History. They decided to make plans to become roommates, too.

Brenda and Teresa opened theirs together, because they had applied at the same college for the same major; English Language and Literature at Yale. It was no surprise they both got in considering how intelligent they were.

Thomas was second to last to open his. With shaking hands, be began to tear the envelope open and took out the letter inside it. "Biology at Columbia University," he announced, astounded at the fact he got into an Ivy League college like his friends.

Newt pressed a kiss and whispered "well done, Tommy," into his ear.

Newt was the last to his acceptance letter, and was nervous to see which college had accepted him. He knew the odds of going to the same college at Thomas, but he wanted their relationship to work, despite the distance.

"I'm going to study Biology and Art..." his smile was enough to tell it was positive, "at Columbia University!"

Thomas was shocked they were going to college together. He never thought this would be possibly, but it was. "We're going to be together, Newt!" He yelled, and pecked Newt's lips, making everyone apart from Minho 'aw'.

"PDA! PDA! I just found out you've been having sex, I can't see anymore of this otherwise there will be a mental image in my head for the rest of my life!" Minho screamed, sarcasm evident in his voice.

"I'm really happy for you both," Teresa said as she engulfed them in a hug. "You deserve each other."

"Thanks, Teresa," Thomas said. "And congratulation on getting into Yale! I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks, Tom," she said. "Take care of him Newt."

"I always have done," Newt smiled. "Now, are we gonna celebrate!"

In all his life, Newt would never have dreamed he would have an amazing, supportive group of friends. He never would have thought he would fall in love with Thomas, despite all they had been through. He never would have though he would be going to college with said boyfriend.

Everything, in his eyes, was perfect.

Depression would never get the best of him ever again; he was beating it, destroying it, and out living it.

"Thomas," Newt pulled Thomas into another room where the blaring music wasn't so loud. "I've never told you how much I appreciate you and all you have done for me. I'm sorry you've had to watch me suffer, but I think it's brought us closer. I love you, and, it might be too early to ay this, but I can't imagine spending the rest of my life without you. I love you."

"I love you even more, Newt," Thomas said, tears of joy slipping down his cheeks.

There was a moment of perfect silence between them before they shared a long, passionate kiss. It didn't last long, but it was impeccable.

"If I could do this all over again, I wouldn't change a damn thing," Thomas said with all the love and emotion he could muster.

"Me too, Tommy," Newt agreed. "You're the fire that sparked my soul."

The Fire That Sparked My Soul- Newtmas AUWhere stories live. Discover now