Authors Note

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I've just read through my fic because I can't remember some of what's happening and I just realised it's such a mess. I always mention mental illness and Newt's depression getting bad but I never really go into much detail about it.

It's disappointing because I thought I had written it better than what I actually did and now I'm not sure I like it.

I have exams coming up really soon so I've limited writing time to once a week and posting on weekends. I'm still interested in writing this fic but now that I've read it again it seems rushed and terrible and I'm really not happy with it.

I never mention the other six main characters in it. I sort of rushed Thomas and Newt's relationship. I don't go into enough depths with their depression/anxiety/insomnia.

It's stupid and pathetic really.

I've got ideas but now I don't think they're going to work because of how terrible this fic is going.

I'll try to update for Sunday and try and write better and fix a few things so everything makes more sense and is less rushed.

I've also got another idea for a separate fic which I'll write in the future.

I'm so sorry this fic is shit and probably not worth reading but I'll try my best to improve it.


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