Chapter Twelve

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♫Walk Through the Fire by Zayde Wolf and Ruelle.

~Sorry for not updating yesterday but my friend has been staying over for a couple of nights plus I had horse riding and I've been so busy with studying for my exams. 

~I hope you enjoy this chapter anyway because I've been putting in a lot of effort into making time to write. 

Thomas's POV

When I seen Newt collapse into Sonya my heart sunk to my stomach. I sprinted as fast as I could to get to him and I'm thankful I was there on time. The look on Sonya's face was one I can never forget; bless the poor girl. She was panicked but trying to reassure both herself and Newt everything was going to be ok. The cry that escaped her small body was so shrill I felt sick.

Newt couldn't even walk properly. His leg was trailing behind him and whimpers so agonizing emphasized the pain. I was grateful for Minho being there; without him I'm sure Newt would have fallen to the floor.

But when he passed out I almost felt breath leaving my body.

Newt's been through so much shit in his life and his limp is just another factor that will affect him eternally. 

Everything went by in a blur. One minute he's fine; running, exercising and laughing, and the next his body's abandoned him as he begins to crumble from the unbearable pain. The nurse at the medical room had to call an ambulance because we couldn't get Newt to wake up and he kept crying and shaking in his unconscious body. 

Now, I'm sat at his side in a hospital room that smells like cleaning products and crisp clean bed sheets they wash with a cheap laundry detergent that washes more sheets than not. My hand grips his out of habit, and my thumb traces circles on to his smooth skin. 

Newt's mom is sitting at the opposite side, absentmindedly staring at her sons lifeless face with a blank expression. The situation we're in now has me thinking; does she know about us? Newt came out to her when he was fifteen, and she couldn't have been more supportive. She's such a loving and cheery mom, and has always accepted me into her family. 

"Ever since the death of his father, neither of us have been the same," Mrs Isaacs whispers as she sips her coffee. "You know how badly it's affected him and the last few months especially have been hellish. Seven years ago...God, I'd never believe it."

Three months ago Newt had attempted suicide. Emergency services found him bleeding out in the shallow part of the ocean, his leg completely messed up. I wasn't there, but I was when he was rushed to hospital and into the operating theatre. I've never cried so hard I my life.

I thought I'd lost my best friend.

His mom cradled me in her arms as we both howled with tears. I couldn't breathe properly and I was shaking so hard I couldn't move without wobbling like jelly. 

"He'll be okay," she assured me. "Just have a little faith."

There was a sharp intake of breath as Mrs Isaacs debated whether or not she wanted to speak; "You know, I'm delighted you and Newt have each other." Her eyes met mine in a split second, hers filling with tears. "You know how much I love the both of you. I don't care if you're gay, bisexual, pansexual, name it, as long as you continue to make Newt feel as special as he does when he's around you. I know your father isn't so accepting, Thomas, but if things get bad, just know you're always welcome."

There are not enough words to describe this woman. She's more than anyone deserves and is the person we should all aspire to be. She doesn't give a shit about sexuality, just as long as you're happy and healthy. She wants the best for her son but never pushes him into doing something they will both later regret. Finally, she sees the best in you and treats you like you're her own.

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