Chapter 10: Return to Me

Start from the beginning

Connor didn't mean that. Gavin could see right through him.

Had the reboot really made Connor come to his senses? Gavin could see that Connor was holding back emotion.

Gavin's hand came up to Connor's jaw, no longer caring about what his co-workers thought of him. He had to show Connor his true love towards him.

Connor's hard gaze softened, sub-consciously leaning into Gavin's hand.

As Gavin took a step forward, Connor was pulled away from him by the one and only Hank Anderson, "Stay. Away. You've already done enough fuckin' damage and I can't even begin to explain how much I just had to pay Kamski to fix his ass."


"Not a fucking word out of you, Reed. You're lucky that I'm stopping myself from shooting you right here, right now."

"Hmmm... Thought android's had free will now. I don't think you have a right to talk for him. Connor is quite capable of making his own choices."

Connor's eyes had remained on Gavin throughout the whole conversation.

"I saw the fuckin' texts. The amount of times you have had to apologise to him for being an asshole is ridiculous. All you wanna do is use him to your advantage and then use him for your own personal entertainment by humiliating him in public."

"Hank..." Connor said, "Please. Just leave it. Let me handle it."

Hank was fully aware of the type of relationship that Connor and Gavin had going on between them. After reading all the texts it was clear as day.

He did NOT approve.

He hated Gavin with a passion.


Both Gavin and Connor had made their way down to the Archives room. For privacy.

Hank had given them ten minutes to talk.

Gavin finally let a tear fall from his eye which was soon wiped away by Connor's thumb.

"I would like to be with you still, sweetheart. But that's only if you didn't mean it when you said that we should go our separate ways." he stepped forward to wrap his arms around Connor, his head resting on his chest, "Don't leave me..." he muttered.

Connor scrunched his eyes closed together, his arms wrapping around Gavin.


"I don't hate androids, Con. Not anymore. I love you so fuckin' much it hurts. It makes me someone I'm not and it makes me do shit I regret." he moved his hand up to cup the back of Connor's neck, "I promise I will change. I will go up there now and let everyone know that I love your metal ass if I have to prove it to you." he smirked, leaning up to kiss him.

"R-Really?" Connor asked.

Gavin nodded, tucking his head under the android's chin, "Yeah, babe. I will walk up to your old man and pour my damn heart out to him until he cracks if it's necessary."

Connor rested his cheek on top of Gavin's head.


He couldn't stay with Gavin.

He couldn't just forgive him so easily, could he?

He would only end up getting hurt again.

"I-I can't go through the pain again, Gav. I almost self-destructed that time you took me to the restroom... I-"

Gavin then moved his lips to Connor's ear, "I know you don't want to be reminded of this but... You remember when I was talkin'to Jayden in the break room? When I said that it would be fucked up to sleep with an android?"

"Y-Yes." Connor stuttered.

Gavin pressed a kiss to his ear, "I actually think the opposite. I want to show you just how much I love you, Con." his hands moved down the android's back and towards his ass to squeeze. He pulled his face back to see the Thirium flooding to Connor's cheeks.


"You're hot when you blush." Gavin winked, "I missed you..." he muttered.

Before Connor could even comprehend what was happening, Gavin had him pushed up against the wall. Gavin lifted Connor, his legs instinctively wrapped around the man's waist. Connor's arms coming up around Gavin's neck to support himself.

Connor could feel a heat pooling in his gut as Gavin grinded down against him.

What was this feeling?

Wasn't he supposed to break up with Gavin?

What was even happening right now?

Gavin's lips attacked Connor's neck once again, his teeth biting deep to draw Thirium.

The foreign taste of Thirium on his tongue was strange but not unwelcomed.

Gavin moved his hand in between them to cup the bulge that was forming in Connor's trousers, "Everything seems to be in working order down there." Gavin joked, his breath hot against the android's neck.

Connor couldn't hold back the moan that was forming in his throat, his head banged hard against the wall behind him as he legs tightened around Gavin's waist.

Gavin didn't even know that Connor had that 'biocomponent'. He also didn't know that Connor could make such incredible sounds.

He wanted to draw more out of him.

"Give me one last chance..." Gavin breathed out, his hand still palming the android through the material.

Connor nodded, his eyes closed, "I love you.

Deep down, Connor knew that he should stop himself before it was too late.  Before Gavin managed to hurt him again.

Gavin was relieved. He moved his lips from Connor's neck and up to his lips, Connor's tongue immediately meeting his.


"Oh, fuck off, Hank." Gavin said before returning his lips to the bite mark on Connor's neck.

The colour on Connor's cheeks went a deeper blue as he tried to push Gavin away.

Hank grabbed onto Gavin's arm and pulled him away from Connor, "Back. Off. Stop fuckin' manipulating him."

Connor leaned against the wall as he tried to recover from the emotions and feelings he had just experienced. He didn't know what the fire in his gut was and he didn't know if he was supposed to enjoy it or not.

He kind of enjoyed it?

He thinks.

"In case you haven't got the message, Anderson. I love this fuckin' android."

"'Love'?! You need a fuckin' heart for that kind of emotion."

Connor spoke up, "But... I don't technically have a heart. But I know what love is. And... I love-"

"You don't, Connor. He just wants to use you."

"No. I. Don't. I respect Connor's rights here, Hank. I wouldn't force him into something he wouldn't wanna do."

Hank laughed, "That's a load of bullshit."

"Hank..." Connor said, ignoring the tent that wouldn't seem to go away, "Leave him alone."


"I know agreeing to be with Gavin again is probably the worst thing I could do right now... But I'm willing to give him one last chance. Nothing you say will change my mind."

Hank glared at Gavin continuously, he then poked the Detective's chest, "You fuckin' hurt him again. That's it for you. I will never approve of this shit... And trust me, this relationship won't last long with an asshole like you."

"Bring it on, Lieutenant." Gavin smirked.

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