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*5 months later

Roman and Nikki walked into the doctor's office, nervous. Today was the day they would find out the sex of their baby. Nikki's heart raced with anticipation. She had waited a long time for this. She didn't care whether it was a baby boy or baby girl, all that mattered was that it was healthy.

Roman thought the same thing, though deep down he was edging towards a boy. A little boy. "Nicole Colace." The nurse called the both of them, rising up from their seats and following the nurse. The room was cold but comfortable. "Doctor Booth will be in shortly."  They nodded and got ready.

Nikki hopped on the bed and lifted her shirt, Roman sat and watched. He admired how ready she was for all of this. She didn't even blink. 'She is a true woman.' he thought as the doctor walked in. "How is everyone?" "Great." 

The doctor slipped on some gloves and grabbed the blue gel, that Nikki hated with a passion. She winced as the coolness of it made her shiver. The doctor spread the gel around with the wand, the screen showing the baby. 

They held hands as they watched the baby and heard the heart beat. "It's beautiful." Roman reached and wiped a tear from Nikki's eye. They watched as the doctor leaned in toward the screen. "Is there something wrong?"

"No, it just appears to me that you have two babies." "I'm sorry, two?" The doctor turned towards them and smiled. "Yes, as in twins." She pointed to the two beautiful shapes on the screen. "Baby one and Baby two."

Nikki looked at her, happier than before. "Um, boys or girls?" She clutched onto Roman's hand as he squeezed hers. "One of each." Nikki gasped happily before looking at Roman. "We have two babies."

The doctor wiped her stomach clean and went to grab the ultrasound pictures. A few minutes later, she walked back in, handing them the photos. Nikki held it in her hand, looking at her precious babies. Roman kissed her forehead, loving her and his babies.

"We have two babies." "We're gonna have two babies."


And that wraps up this story guys! Thank you to everyone who read it, voted, and commented.. It means a heck of a lot. And I know that it's over but don't fret!

This is only book 1 out of 3 from my new 'Shield' series! I hope you guys stick around with me during books 2 & 3.. Thank you!

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