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After work and after apologizing to Roman a million times, I walked up to Brie's room and knocked on the door. She opened it and I walked in. "Did you get them?" She nodded and closed the door behind me. "Yeah.. I got three different brands because that way we know for sure." 

"Three different brands? I only said one." "Okay well I got three." She handed me the bag and practically pushed me into the bathroom. "Go pee.. Remember you have to wait 3 minutes for the results." I closed the door and opened the first test, my heart thumped faster as I did what I supposed to do.

I set them on the sink. Nothing yet. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Brie standing by the door. "You look nervous?" "Well yeah, it's not every day that my sister gets pregnant." "We don't know yet if I am.. We still have to wait 2 more minutes."

I watched Brie as she paced for the entire 2 minutes. "Okay the minutes are up.. Let's go." I opened the door but I couldn't walk back in.. Am I ready for this? " I turned and looked at Brie "I don't know if I can do this." Brie grabbed my hand "I know.. That's why I'm here. I'll look if you don't want to."

I nodded and watched as she walked in. I walked in after her. I watched as she picked up the tests and looked at them. She looked up at me and smiled. "They're all positive." What?! "Wh-what?" She passed me the tests "They're all positive." My heart stomped in my chest as I saw the plus signs, pink and hanging in my face.

They're all positive. I felt Brie place her hand on my arm. "You okay?" I nodded "I just need some time alone." She nodded and kissed my cheek before walking out the door. I sat on the toilet, my eyes running through the tests again, realization hitting me hard. They're all positive.. I'm pregnant.. Oh dear god, I am pregnant.

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