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Today was Saturday, My one day of break before I have to go back to the hustle and bustle of WWE.. Which will have way more bustle this week because we're going on our Tokyo trip, we get to visit beautiful Tokyo while wrestling our butts off.. On Smackdown, Roman texted me about talk and to be honest, I'm done with the talking.. I want to go a little higher with him.. No more text messages.. Just me and him.. I felt someone sit on the couch next to me.. I looked up and saw Brie, she smiled. "What are you thinking about?" "Nothing." She shook her head, "Come on, Nicole. I'm your twin, I know when you're thinking hard about something. Is it Roman?" I rolled my eyes because I knew she was right. "Yea, it's just.. I don't want to just talk anymore, I want some action. But I don't want to be the first one to make a move." She shrugged "Why not? If he won't budge, you make him budge." I looked at her confused "What?" "Make the first move.. Maybe he hasn't made the move because he doesn't think you're ready." "That can't be it, cause we've slept together before and he was fine." She nodded "Okay, when you guys slept together the first time, how was it?" "It was amazing.. What's your point?" "My point is that maybe the first few times, Roman was holding back from you a bit.. But now this time it'll be different.. But I think you should be the first one to make a move." "How?" She looked at me "Do it while you guys are on this Tokyo trip.. Trust me, you'll have fun.. Pack something cute and sexy that you'll know will drive him insane just by looking at you." I nodded and hopped off the couch, I grabbed her hand "You're helping me pack." Brie was right, if he won't make the first move, I will.

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