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Finally we are back from our Tokyo tour and back for the first Raw in the states. And I have to admit, it hasn't been all that bad. I hooked up with Bayley, not that I am proud of it but I did. And I got to talking with Charlotte. I don't know exactly where that's heading but probably nothing serious.

As for Nikki, we haven't talked. I've seen her around, talking it up with her friends but that's it. I've been waiting for her text but nothing so far. Her last text was the last time. I guess she wasn't ready for a game after all. 

I slipped on my wrestling gloves and made my way to the gorilla. I was focused and ready but it went downhill when I heard my name being called from the makeup area. I looked and saw Charlotte, a nice smile on her face.

"Roman." I smirked "Charlotte." She chuckled "I was looking around for you.. You're hard to find." I nodded "You could've texted me. I would've came to you." "Oh yeah? I'll keep that in mind next time." I chuckled "Good." 

We heard laughing and talking on the other side of the table. I looked over and saw Nikki. She had her hair down, her shirt in her hand. She looked like she just got out of a match. I watched as Cesaro walked up behind her.

I couldn't hear what they were saying. I watched as she smiled and he lifted his hand up and her hand met his in a high-five. That should've been the end but he pulled her into a close hug. It shouldn't bother me this much. It doesn't bother me.. It doesn't.

"Roman?" I jumped as Charlotte touched my shoulder. "Yeah?" "What are you thinking about?" I chuckled "Thinking about getting you out of here." She laughed "If only we didn't have matches tonight, I would accept the offer." 

I looked at Nikki and Cesaro as they walked away together. "Yeah, I would accept the offer too." It shouldn't bother me this much.. It doesn't bother me.

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