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I was sitting on my couch when I heard someone knock on the door. I got up and walked to the door, seeing Brie standing there. "Hey." I stepped aside and closed the door after her. "Hey, you still look pale." I nodded "Yea, it's cause I still don't feel good." "Still? What is up with you?" 

I shrugged as she handed me a bag. It smelled like muffins. Delicious and disgusting. I looked inside and was right. Muffins. We walked back into the living room and sat back on the couch. "So what do you think is going on with you?" 

I shrugged and grabbed a muffin out of my bag, taking a bite out of it. As soon as I swallowed, it came rolling back up.. I jumped up from the couch and ran into the kitchen sink, vomiting. Brie ran up behind me. 

"Okay, Nicole.. This is serious.. How long have you been like this?" I washed out my mouth and turned towards her.. "Too long." I looked up at her "Are you pregnant?" Is she serious? "Brie, stop.. I'm not.. I'm not." I walked into the living room again, Brie following me. 

"How late are you?" I looked at her.. I seriously couldn't even remember. "I-I don't remember." "Have you taken a test?" "No.. Brie I'm not pregnant. I just can't be.. I think l would know if I was."

"Nicole, you can't even remember how late you are.. You need to take-" "Brie, I'm not taking-" "Did you guys use protection?" I shook my head, knowing that we didn't. "I'm not pregnant." "I think you take a test just to be safe." "I'm safe because I am not pregnant." I am not pregnant.

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