Chapter Eleven: Purge

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Chapter Eleven

Diana's P.O.V 2012

        I've lost twenty pounds. Twenty pounds in a month and a half. My mom only thinks it's because I'm finally working out. I am, but it isn't just that. The past few weeks, I've only consumed maybe two thousand calories, and that is only because of the dinners I have with my parents. Proud is an understatement for me, but I'm still a long way away from being thin. I have to work harder.

        Holding the fat that protrudes from my disgusting body, I finish looking in the mirror. I've got this. I have to keep this going. There's no stopping now. "Diana! We need to get going, you can't be late for school!" My mother shouts for the second time. I shout a quick response and sling my bag over my shoulder, leaving my room.

        As soon as I step out, my mom is in the kitchen and she is staring at me, a smile spread on her face. "You know, you really look like you've lost some weight! I'm really proud of you. Exercising is good, isn't it?" I nod, forcing a smile. "Maybe you can start running with me since you won't slow me down! How does that sound?"

        "Good," I reply softly.

        In all honesty, I'm up for it. I just don't know if I can do all of that. I'm constantly dizzy and I feel sick to my stomach nearly every day. I can't tell my mom about it because she would insist on taking me to the doctors. The doctors would know something is wrong with me, and them finding out means eating more food.  

Diana (Z.M.)Where stories live. Discover now