Post Script

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P.S. 06/02/2017

      The fan fiction you just read is based on true events. Diana is a pseudonym for a real-life person who actually endured these horrific experiences. Although Diana did not meet and befriend Zayn Malik, the music from One Direction and the men within the band helped her through her troubles. However, nearly everything else really did happen to Diana. She was severely bullied. She did suffer from depression. Diana did contract anorexia at the the age of 13. Diana did try to kill herself and she did fail.  

      Diana did have to endure years of therapy in order to get better. She did hate herself for eating on the road to recovery. Diana did finally get better. She really did graduate high school when she never thought she would be alive to do so. Diana found happiness. She now goes to college to pursue a writing degree and she found the courage within her to finally tell her story in hopes of helping others. Diana is stronger than she has ever been. 

      I am Diana and I'm a survivor. 

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