Chapter Ten: Awards

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Chapter Ten

Zayn's P.O.V. 2012

        "The winner is... brand new British Boy Band, One Direction!" Everything goes by in slow motion. Harry shouts out of glee and Niall leaps out of his seat high into the air. Liam can't stop smiling, showing the crinkles at the edges of his eyes. Louis is laughing ridiculously and cannot seem to stop. Me? I'm too stupefied to do anything. We won? We won! A smile breaks out across my face and I jump up and shout clapping Liam on the back. 

        The walk to the stage seems to be a dream. The people around us are smiling and cheering. These just aren't normal people. These are artists like Ed Sheeran, Adele, and Coldplay. I don't belong here. Niall's hand is around my waist as we step onto the stage. I'm still in shock that I nearly miss a step. How did we win for British Single out of all these artists? 

        Liam is the first to speak but I don't hear what he says. I hear my heartbeat in my chest pounding and the blood rising to what feels like my ears. The lights that shine to the stage blind me. I cannot see faces of the people only silhouettes and the clapping of their hands. How did I get from a little house in Bradford to this? 

        Harry nudges me and we're off the stage in a matter of seconds. This is so unusual for me. Even in school I never won anything. The only other time I can relate to this was the night we were kicked off of the show. That night I couldn't even focus on anything but the fact that everything was over for us. But, surprisingly, it wasn't. Simon signed us and now we are here at what feels like the top of the world. Who knew that What Makes You Beautiful would bring us here? 

        All it is is a little song. Sure, it's catchy but it really isn't a big deal. It isn't a classic; a hit like Bon Jovi or Led Zepplin. All it is is us: One Direction. 

        The show ends quickly and after a few interviews and a crowd of paparazzi we are back into the SUV. "Lads, what just happened?" Liam asks, exhaling and leaning his head against the smooth black leather of the car. 

        "I don't even know, man." I answer. All of this is insane: us being together, the number one in the UK and America, our upcoming tour. Everything is absolutely crazy.

        "Don't ask how, guys! We're here. I mean, look at the size of that trophy!" Niall exclaims excited. He takes the trophy from Liam and stares at it carefully, observing every feature. This has always been his dream. He wanted to be famous and to make records and become popular. He achieved it. This has always been the boys' dream, everyone's but mine. So why am I so blessed to be living it?

        "Zayn, you there mate?" Harry questions with a laugh as he leans his head against Louis' arm draped around him. I nod with a grin. 

        "Yeah, I'm just kinda surprised still. I never expected this."

        Louis leans forward, careful to not bother Harry and claps me on the back and locks his eyes with mine. "But, we are here, mate. All of us are here and that's all that matters. We've made it big, buddy. I don't even know how we can get bigger. Did you hear what they were saying out there?"

        "The new Beatles!" Niall interjects averting his attention from the trophy for a moment. Louis nods in agreement. "We can only go up!" He finishes, focusing back on the Brit Award. 

        I don't understand how we could get any better than considered 'the new Beatles' but I don't question them. They're all too excited and I'm extremely exhausted from all the recording we've had to do today. Since the single, Simon has been working us hard, insisting on an album. He swears up and down that this will be a great one.

        I just hope he's right. 

* Author's Note*

Hey guys! I can't believe I have gained 600 reads since the last post! That's absolutely insane! I know this chapter might have been a little boring but I need to build up the background with the boys. It will all make sense around the middle of this story. Please guys, keep voting and commenting and following. This feedback is incredible. I know it's crazy but I honestly hope this story blows up as much as After did. That might be a crazy dream but it is mine. I will be updating soon and hopefully at least once a week! Thank you again! I love you guys so much!!

Shelby xx

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