Chapter Twenty: Diana

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Chapter Twenty

Zayn's P.O.V. 2012

Tonight's the night. I feel it deep inside me. I try to tell Liam but he just tells me that I dream too much. He says that the odds of me finding one girl out of a crowd of thousands is almost impossible. I choose to brush it off. Making it onto the XFactor was "impossible". Becoming the largest boy band in the world was "impossible". This, this is nothing compared to my past. It may be improbable but not impossible.

I stare at my reflection in the mirror. My skin is even darker than usual, thanks to the scorching Florida sun. Niall appears in the mirror beside me, rubbing ointment on his face. "Freaking Florida, beautiful but hot as hell. Don't forget that blazin' heat!"

I chuckle to myself and tussle his hair. "Niall, you're as white as a sheet of paper! What did you expect, a golden tan?" Niall narrows his eyes and swipes the back of my legs with his towel. I laugh and try to move out of his way. At this moment, Harry comes walking through the door with Louis clinging to his back.

"You lads ready for tonight?" Louis exclaims before Harry plops him on the sofa. Nonchalantly, Harry sits right on top of him. Louis seems unfazed and begins to play with his hair. All of us nod and Liam pipes in.

"Especially Zayn! He thinks he's going to see this Diane girl."

I scoff in disgust and toss a throw pillow at his head.

"Her name's Diana. Stop screwing with me, I just might. You never know! Crazier things have happened to us."

Niall chugs an opened can of Coke and chuckles.

"That's true! Never thought the paps would get a picture of Harry sitting' on the loo but look, there he was dead ass naked wearing nothing but a freaking smile!"

Harry sends him a look and Louis laughs loudly, shuffling Harry's hair. "It's okay, Hazza! I think you have a cute bum." He pinches Harry's cheeks and I inwardly groan.

"Get a room will ya? I'm losing my manhood by just being around you two!"

"Don't you think I'm trying?" Harry jokes, winking flirtatiously. Shaking my head, I return my attention to my phone.

"Anyway, she may be here and if I see her I want to talk to her."

"You know Paul would never allow you to pull a girl out of the crowd and just proper chat her up!" Liam interjects. Damn you Liam for thinking ahead.

"Not if he does it without letting Paul know. If he sees her on stage and he says something then she'll be up there, just that quick. The fans will make sure of it." Smiling to myself, I am dumbfounded by how genius Lou is. Bless, Lou. Just bless.

Liam rolls his eyes, wiping his forehead with a sweat towel. "Whatever, just don't get me in trouble." At that he tosses the towel in my direction and claps his hands together loudly. "So boys, who's up for sound check?"


After we finish singing 'One Thing' we decide to take a quick run to the restroom before the doors are opened and the many screaming girls are allowed in. Security leads us to the restrooms and I peep through the bars closing off the amphitheater from the outside world. A crowd has already formed outside. I search for her face. I remember it clearly.

The girl has brown eyes that look almost like mine, but way more beautiful. She has childish cheeks that are rosy. At least they were in the picture. My mind flashes back to that beautiful face on the body of that disgusting pig. What irks me more is the fact that human beings would do that to each other.

"Zayn, you looking for that girl?" Harry questions, now aware of his presence. I nod but brush it off and continue in our journey to the loo. "Why are you so adamant about seeing her?" Harry pipes in. I shrug.

"Honestly, I couldn't tell you. I just have this feeling, you know? I feel like she needs someone to at least talk to."

"You know kids can be mean. You remember grade school. They taunted the lot of us. Kids can be cruel. That's it. She doesn't need help; your mothering instinct is just coming out."

I shake my head in rejection of the idea.

"No, Harry. I feel it inside me. I need to be there for her."

Harry sighs in distress. "Okay, maybe she needs help but why you, Zayn?"

I think about his question for a moment. Why me? Why me out of everyone else? Why am I the person who sees these awful things. Why am I the person wanting to help this girl? Why me? Then everything becomes clear. I turn to Harry, leaning against the door of the restroom.

"Because, Harry, if I don't, who will?"


There's an hour left before the show and the sound of a thousand plus girls sends nerves throughout my body. My heart races in my chest and my forehead drips with sweat. Louis takes notice and pats me lightly on the back. "It's okay. If you don't see her you don't. If you do you do. Whatever happens just happens, Zayn. It'll be okay."

I nod in agreement but in my heart I don't. I know that if I don't try to do something about this no one will and she'll just stay alone. I need to be there for her. I have to. I have no other choice.

The boys decide to mess with the girls and peep their heads out from the curtains. As soon as the crowd sees them, they erupt into screams and shout inappropriate things. I chuckle at some of the things the girls say and scan the crowd. Girls try to race towards us but the guards prevent them from coming backstage. I just smile and wave as a group of girls scream my name. I spot a line of girls standing orderly and realize they must be the meet and greet.

I analyze each one of them, finding every girl pretty except for one in the front with make-up caked on her young face. I turn to head back but a face catches my eyes. Intently, I return my gaze to the crowd. At the back of the line, a short girl stands. Her jeans are slightly too big for her and her shirt is overly baggy. Her brown eyes spark with light when they meet mine and she smiles shyly.

"Diana." I whisper beneath my breath. Suddenly, her mouth gapes in surprise and I feel a strong hand on my shoulder, pulling me further backstage. I'm going ballistic. "No! I need to go back out there!" I release myself from the guiding hands of security and sprint towards the curtains. Two buff lads stop me and Liam comes up from behind me, Niall alongside him.

"What the hell was that?" Niall exclaims, concern evident on his face.

I'm breathing heavy and my mind is going one hundred miles per hour. The world dizzies me and I reach out to steady myself. It's Louis' eyes I meet. "What is it, Zayn? What's wrong?"

I steady my breathing and a big smile spreads on my face.

"Diana, she's here. I found Diana."

*Author's Note*

Hey guys! Oh my gosh, I can't believe this! You guys are beyond amazing! Diana is now at 17.3K! Oh my goodness this is absolutely crazy. Thank you guys so much for the support! So now, the story is truly beginning! I hope you guys really like this novel as it progresses and I hope that it helps so many of you with an issue that I believe to be under exaggerated. I will be posting the next chapter soon so please, Vote, Comment, Follow and Share! I love you guys so much!

- Shelby xx

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