Chapter Twenty-Two: Intimate

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Chapter Twenty-Two

Diana's P.O.V. 2012

      My heart is still fluttering in my chest when I leave the room designated for the meet and greet. The room spins and I am so euphoric that I cannot find myself to focus. How in the world does Zayn Malik from One Direction know of me? I'm just a small and unimportant girl from a small and unimportant town. So how does he know me by name and by face? I walk in a daze through the crowd of girls trying to piece everything together. How can I though, when it makes no sense? 

       I collide with another body and begin to apologize. However, I am cut off by a rude voice. "How the hell does Zayn know who you are?" I raise my head to meet the eyes of Rachel. My mouth clamps shut and I avert my eyes, taking interest in the ground. 

       "I don't know. He just called out my name, I have no c-"

       "You're such a liar. Tell me how or else I'll make you the most hated girl at the school." Her voice escalates as she grips my arm tight, pulling me close to her. 

       My stomach turns into knots and I remain quiet, pain radiating throughout my forearm. I have no way of answering her because I do not know myself. "Hey!" My head snaps to the right where the voice comes from. A security guard steps in-between us and gently grabs her arm from mine. 

       "Let go of her, or else we are going to have a problem." The security guard, a large man towering at nearly six foot three, glares down at Rachel. His eyes narrow and his jaw bone seems strong enough to cut diamonds. Rachel swallows hard, and I feel her quake as she releases my arm. 

       "You don't understand, sir. You see, she tried to take my ticket an-"

       "Don't try pulling one over on me, little girl. I saw everything that happened. So-" here, he pulls Rachel in close to his face, gripping onto her arm like she clutched mine, " if you try something like this again, I'll make sure you and your ass never sets foot in this arena again." At this Rachel squeaks and nods, retreating back into the crowd like a dog with her tail between her legs.

      I look up to the security guard, still nervous but grateful. "Thank you, I mutter out." He nods with a smile and stoops down to my level.

      "Of course, don't be afraid to stick up for yourself. Bullies will just keep going if you don't try to stop it." He smiles warmly at me and I avert my eyes. "Now," he begins, "let's see where you're seated." He takes my ticket from my trembling hands and reads the seat number quickly. "Ah, I know right where you are! Follow me!" He begins to lead me in the direction of my seat but I stop in my tracks. My seat is still right next to Rachel and I wouldn't enjoy anything if I had to confront her again. 

     "Oh, I got tickets with that girl and um, well, I'm sat next to her." I lock eyes with the ground, certain that he'll tell me he can't do anything about it and to just suck it up. However, he does the complete opposite.

      "Well, we'll just have to fix that won't we?" Without another word he guides me through the crowd, leading me to the seats at the front of the stage. The seat wasn't located in the front row but it was up close only ten feet away from the edge of the stage. The man points to a seat, directing me to sit there with his grey eyes sparkling. "Here you go! There's an empty seat right here with your name on it." I send him a gracious smile and sink into the seat.

     "Thank you," I mutter.

     The older gentleman smiles and pats my shoulder reassuringly. "Not a problem at all. Enjoy the show." At that, he turns and returns to his previous duties. Despite Rachel, everyone was being nice to me. I've never had this before and it's so different. I can't help but smile and fidget in my seat as I wait for the concert to begin.

      Sooner than I know, the lights dim and the stadium explodes into a cacophony of screams. My heart palpitates in my chest, picking up with intensity. The girl beside me exclaims in happiness, piercing my eardrum. However, this does not matter because they are coming out on the stage and I am in the front row. It can only mean one thing. Zayn will see me again and I will be in arms reach of him.

      The stadium bursts into light as Up All Nights booms through the loud speakers. A smile breaks across my face and I can't help but feel giddy with excitement. Five teen boys come bopping out from behind the stage. Harry's curls bounce with every jump and Liam brushes his hair out of his eyes. Zayn smiles brightly, looking across the crowd, passing over my row. He doesn't even see me, but I know he will.

      "How are you doing tonight, Tampa?" Harry exclaims into the mic. He receives roars of responses and smiles cheekily when a girl says something that a fourteen year old girl should not be saying. Zayn laughs at the girl and his eyes go to the front row, scanning over every face. Suddenly, he stops and makes eye contact with me. His smile broadens and mine does as well. His hand goes up in a small wave and I return it.

     We hold the look for a moment and he then returns to the real world. The world where he's a world famous popstar and I'm a broken little girl. It's okay, though. I'll be fine after tonight, it doesn't bother me. Tonight I feel like a princess and a very special girl. I know I'll never feel it again but I will always remember the intimacy of our meeting. Zayn's warm breath and smile. His hands holding me in a hug. I'll always remember it.




Hey everyone! I'm sorry I haven't posted in ages! I just finished my first semester of college and am finally on break. This chapter is more of a filler and I apologize that it sucks! However, the next chapter will pick up. I felt bad for not posting in a while! Please, don't give up on me. Thank you all so much for keeping up with this story.

Diana (Z.M.)Where stories live. Discover now