Chapter Twenty-Four: Misguided

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Diana's P.O.V. 2012

His lips are soft. That's what I'll remember the most. How can I be expected to remember anything else. Zayn Malik, one of the most attractive guys to exist was kissing me, Diana Caldwell. I don't know how to respond. This is my first kiss and I don't have much experience with guys. I don't have much time to consider this, he pulls away soon after. He smiles at me, his hands still on my shoulders. "I'm sorry," he begins. "I know you just don't kiss someone after meeting them but, it's the only thing I could think of. You didn't think you were beautiful, I couldn't have that. Diana, you are beautiful. I've never kissed an ugly girl, Diana."

My cheeks flush and I avert my eyes to the floor. "Everyone else says different. That's why it's so hard to believe you. They call me things so much more different than you do. Things like fat, ugly, and c-" He cuts me off by pressing a finger to my lips.

"Diana, they're full of lies. They're jealous because you are gorgeous. You don't need to wear a lot of make-up like they do. Bigger or smaller, you're beautiful. In the end, it doesn't matter what they think of you. All that matters is what you think of yourself. They're assholes anyway. They won't get anywhere in life but people like you will. Fighters like you will. Things may seem dark now but you can and will get through this. You don't have to be okay right away, Diana. Things get better, life gets better. When I was your age I was depressed. I was suicidal. I felt like I had no importance. If I had followed through with it, my family would have been destroyed. My dream of singing would have been destroyed. But, it's not. I can tell just be looking in your eyes, you're a hell of a lot stronger than I am. I believe in you."

I don't know what to say. He has left me speechless. The hottest guy in school denied me because I was too fat and too ugly, but Zayn is telling me the complete opposite. How does he know all these things about me? He's only seen me like I am now. I'm not thin, by any means of the imagination but I am lighter than I once was due to me starving myself.

"Zayn, I'm not strong. I'm not stronger than you are. You didn't give in to what they say. You aren't like me. You don't do the awful things that I do."

A look of confusion and concern passes over his face. I hide my face behind my hair. I know I've said too much. "What do you mean by awful things? Diana, you could never do something awful. Tell me, what do you mean?" I move away from him, facing one of the half painted bathroom stalls.

"You don't want to know, Zayn. It doesn't matter anyway. You're never going to see me again. So, why does it matter? You have so much more important things in your life than to worry about a stupid little girl like me. Just let me go." His eyes sadden and he reaches out to grab my wrist. He spins me around gently to face him. His brown eyes lock with mine and it's nearly impossible to look away.

"Okay, Diana. Fine, I'll let you go. I didn't mean to just kiss you and leave. I just want to show you how beautiful you are. I needed you to find a way to show you so you would believe me. It's okay though, I'll keep up on you okay? I just had to meet you." He continues holding my hand and leads me out of the restrooms. I duck beneath the construction tape that he raises for me. I intend to just walk away but he wraps me in a hug. His warm breath fans over my hair and I conceal my face in his chest. I know I don't know him. I know I won't ever see him again, but it feels right.

"Stay beautiful, Diana. Thank you for letting me meet you. Thank you for everything." I nod, at a loss for words. I turn away one last time, half expecting him to stop me again. However, he respects my wishes and doesn't. The amphitheater is empty and I'm alone except for the few security guards. By now, Rachel has already left and I don't have a phone. I guess I'll just have to search for a payphone and hope for the best. Thank God, before the parking lot area there's a payphone. Luckily, I have spare change in my pockets and dial my mom. After a few rings she picks up. I tell her the half truth. Rachel had to leave early and I wanted to stay. She agrees to pick me up, so I sit on the curb and wait.

All the events of the night rush through my head and I exhale in disbelief. Did this just really happen? How misguided was he to think that I'm beautiful. Out of all the girls out there, why did he single me out? So many questions were left unanswered and I knew I would never get them. Thirty minutes later, the headlights of my mother's car shines on my face and I stand up, adjusting my bag on my shoulder. This would be an interesting car ride home.

*Author's Note*

Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not updating in forever! College has been so busy lately and I'm excited that the semester is almost over! I hope you guys like the story so far. I would say that we are halfway through but there is so much more meant to go on. Thank you for reading and being so adamant with demanding me to update the story. I have an announcement as well guys! I will be finishing the book this summer and I am going to publish it! Before I do though, I would like to know if any of you guys would be interesting in purchasing it and everything?! Anyway, I just hope you enjoy this chapter and I will be updating ASAP. Thank you guys so much! Please share this story and do all that jazz! You guys are the best! Much love xx

- Shelby x

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