Chapter Seventeen: Breaking Point

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Chapter Seventeen

Diana's P.O.V *2012*

I'm scared. There. That's it. There's the truth. I'm scared that I'm never going to be beautiful. The weight isn't coming off fast enough. How am I supposed to be lovable if I'm not skinny enough or pretty enough? How is Luis supposed to even like me if I'm so ugly like this.

I'm terrified and the worst thing is Luis isn't even here to comfort me. He's in Mexico and I have no idea when he's coming back. He keeps in touch with me over Facebook but lately he hasn't even been on. I keep thinking he's forgotten about me and has found some beautiful girl that he will spend the rest of his life with.

That girl will never be me.

Just disregard all of what I've written. It doesn't matter. Tonight is the One Direction concert. I've never even heard their music but I know they are talented. However, my stomach churns. So many people are going to be there. So many pretty girls. They are all going to be staring at me and wondering why such an ugly girl is there.

"Rachel is here. You ready for your concert?" My mother breaks into my thoughts and I snap the journal shut. She looks at me quizzically. "What are you writing?" I choose to ignore her.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I grab my satchel and stick the journal in quickly. I shove past my mother and out into the living room. Rachel and her mother stand there excitedly. I take note of Rachel's face. It's covered in foundation and dark eyeliner enhances her eyes to where they seem to be popping out of her skull.

"You excited, Diana?" Her mother asks. I don't even know her name and I don't care to. Her awful daughter had to learn her attitude from someone. All I do is nod. Mom just sends me a smile as we are rushed out the door and into Rachel's minivan.

This is it.


There are even more people at the concert than I expected there to be. Thousands of girls swarm the stadium and I have to keep myself from gaping. Where did this band come from?

Rachel's mom, Ms. Carla, opens the minivan door at the drop off area and sends us a smile. "I hope you guys have a great time! Remember, meet me here at 11:00 so I can pick you guys up!" She places a kiss to Rachel's forehead and gives me a hug, bidding us goodbye. Rachel slams the door and the minivan speeds off out of the stadium.

"Okay, so we need to go get in line for the meet and greet. Follow me and remember Diana, when we meet them don't say anything stupid!"

I just nod and ignore the insult and follow her through the crowd. My heart races in my chest and I feel my body begin to shake. My nerves are coming back. These five boys are all so attractive. If I can't get kids at school to like me and think I'm pretty, how am I supposed to win over the hearts of five pop sensations?

As soon as we get past all the girls my eyes widen. The stage is absolutely huge. The instruments only take up a quarter of the stage and in the middle sits a large red couch. What would they be doing? Napping?

The next thing I know we are standing at the back of a long line. The security guard reaches out and Rachel hands him our passes. He scans them then hands them back to us with a smile.

"Enjoy the show." He speaks in a deep and comforting voice.

Rachel just smiles and squeals in delight, moving her way up into the line. I look at the man and smile. "Thank you, have a good night too." Then, I follow Rachel.

"So I don't know what I should say to them. Should I be like, 'Hi, I love you guys so much' and ask Harry to kiss my cheek when we take the picture?" I shrug. I honestly don't care what she says to them.

"Whatever you want, I guess."

Rachel sighs in frustration. "You're really no help at all. You're just lucky I decided to bring you."

Inside me, something snaps and I begin to raise my voice.

"Then why did you bring me here, anyway? You treat me like crap and it's obvious that you don't like me so why even bring me?"

Rachel smiles and chuckles. "I only brought you because there was no way I was bringing my mom and I needed someone who isn't that pretty. With you here all of them will focus on me."

I feel a pang in my chest but I don't show her any pain. Instead, I snatch one of the meet and greet passes from her hand. "You know, Rachel you're a real bitch." Then, I step out of the line and head to the back. I don't care if I have to wait longer. I am done with Rachel and all of her crap.

I'm just done with everyone.

*Author's Note*

Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't been on in ages! School's been absolutely crazy and I finally have some time to get back to writing! This chapter was short I know but a lot of the real good stuff will happen within the next two chapters! Thank you all for staying with me and supporting me throughout this story! It's nowhere near finished yet so please don't give up on me! I hope you guys are all enjoying this story and please tell me what you think! I love you all!! xx

Shelby xx

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