Chapter 2: Texting with Emojis

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Connor looked in the rear-view mirror to make sure Hank wasn't onto him. He tilted his head as he looked back down at the phone.

Gavin: hey babe. sorry bout that. i didnt mean it when i told hank that you were just plastic

A smile appeared on the android's face then. Even though the slight pain in his chest was still there, he replied.

Connor: It is perfectly fine, Gavin. Don't feel guilty over something like this.

Gavin: U should be fuckin pissed Connor. i shouldnt have said that

Connor: I can assure you, it doesn't affect me.

It does.

Gavin: right. im sorry anyways. 

Connor: I appreciate it.

Gavin: Lemme make it up to u ;)

Those damn emojis.

Connor: You don't have to. And besides, if Hank catches you near me again - he will 'kick your ass'.

Gavin: I can handle him Con. dont u worry

Connor bit his lip as he took another glance at the rear-view mirror. He finally replied.

Connor: What did you have in mind?

Gavin: Theres a new bar not too far from my place. android friendly. we could go and hv a couple drinks. see if u like any of em. then we can go back my place and hope that Lt asshole doesnt show up and ruin the fun again ;)

Connor felt like his metal heart had skipped a beat - if that was even possible. 

Connor: You really don't have to do anything to apologise, Gavin.

Gavin: I want to tho <3

The smile on the android's face grew.

"The fuck are you smiling at?" Hank asked, looking at him through the mirror.

"I er..." he searched his memory banks for an excuse, "Cat videos."

He rolled his eyes, "God sake, Connor!" he focused on the road once again, "Don't you dare go watchin' those in my house, got it?"

"Got it." Connor assured.

He was more of a dog person anyways.

Connor: I would like that. :)

Gavin: emojis suit you.

Connor: Don't get used to it.

Gavin: :(

Connor: When would it be preferable for you to go to this bar?

Gavin: I can pick u up saturday night at around 9 if u want

Connor: Are you sure that's a wise idea? Hank will get suspicious if you show up to his house in the night.

Gavin: ill say that we were assigned a case together or sumthin. he cant stop u from goin out if u want to. u r ur own person Con. u can do what u want

Connor: Okay. I look forward to our date on Saturday.

Gavin: so its a date? ;)

Connor: I assumed so.

Gavin: u assumed correct. i will see u at work tomorrow babe

Connor: See you tomorrow, Gav. Sleep well.

Not So Different | Connor x Gavin Reed | Detroit Become Human StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang