Maybe This Place Is The Same, And We're Just Changing... (Bonus #3)

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{Stiles' POV}




The hours passing by, time being nothing but a painful reminder of what a soulless human being I have become.

It's the only way I can cope with pain, is to shut down completely until I feel better.

Thirty Five voicemails.

Twenty text messages.

Two notes.

And I still do not forgive her. Why do people do that? Take advantage of what they have, and treat them like a speck of dirt, but once the victim leaves, they crave them back. It's like their heroin, even though they abused the will of it.

I'm not here to be taken advantage of. I'm here to beat him down. But all I can do is be quiet, planning everything out in order. A high functioning sociopath, yes. There's never a wrong time for revenge.

And, I'm about to get it.


{Aurora's POV}

"Thank you for everything, Destery."

"No biggie."

And yet again, another awkward silence. Everything has been odd between us since the kiss we shared, and it honestly is the worst feeling ever. Do I like him? Do I only want him as a friend?

It's sexually frustrating.

His hand was extended on the park's grass, sitting right next to me.



I think I'm creepy.

Am I too ugly for him?

I don't think he likes me back.

Shit, was my breath smelly?

Nobody would want to kiss me again if my breath was gross.

Dear God.

His hand trinkled over mine, startling me. Our palms were encased together, the song on my playlist changing. Check Yes Juliet.

Oh my god. This can't be real.

"I want to kiss you so hard right now." Destery leaned in, our noses touching. His icy breath was panting onto my chin, as his other arm was rubbing down from my shoulder.

"Do it."

My lips touched his, feeling electricity bolt through, without even kissing. This is meant to be.

Destery full on kissed me, my arms wrapping around his neck. Everything was celestial, almost like we were flying through space in the TARDIS. That magical. His constant brushing of his lips on mine was a major tease. But still.... I enjoyed it. Oh, did I enjoy it. 


 {Tabitha's POV}

Miranda's fist collided into my chest, making me lose all of the air in my lungs as I shoved her against the wall. 

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