Chapter 10 - Comfort

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{Tabby's POV}

"I swear my stomach is going to murder me." My complaints & groans have been escaping through my mouth all morning, so I'm taking two motrins. "Alright.... Nine Twenty Three PM...." I wrote it down on a sheet of paper, & a loud knock came afterwards. "Coming!!!!" I squeaked, & trudged to the door. Opening it up, Connor was standing there with his hands in his pockets. "Hey, Con." My voice cracked, & I just displayed a little smile.

"What's wrong, Tabby?" His smile automatically dropped when he saw me. Taking a deep sigh, I talk.

"Do I really look that bad?"

"You're all pale! Are you sick?" Connor starts breathing heavily, I guess he's worried.

"Yeah.... I was just taking painkillers right before you walked in." I managed a little laugh, & Con untensed.

"Alright, as long as you took some meds. Wanna have girl night?" My grin rose when I saw him furrowing his eyebrows, & I looked down. There was 6 boxes of chocolate, movies, sodas, & he brought a onesie.

"Sure, Con da Bon." He smirked at my response, & walked in. "Wanna play 21 Questions?"

"Sure, who wouldn't want to play that with Tabby?!" He jokingly pinched my cheek & I started laughing lightly. "I'll start. Most embarassing moment?"

"I farted in front of my crush. What's your least favorite color?"

"I can't hate any color, oops. Who's your favorite band?"

"Twenty One Pilots. I'm bored now." I sighed, & Con nodded at my response.

"I have an idea." He started smiling evily, & I was starting to get a little scared. He tackled me gently, & made a 'rawr'ing sound close up in my face.

"CON-CONNOR OH-H M-GOS..H..." I was gasping to collect air, & Connor started patting my back. "Thanks, Con." I smiled, & he fell back onto my couch.

"Want the rest of the boys over here?" Connor stared at me, & I gave in. "Hold on, I'll get them on Twitter."

"I'll help, dude." I smiled, & unlocked my phone.

Twerkinforicks: 'Trevor kissed my cheek so I guess we're technically married.' I started laughing, because the picture was greenscreened & didn't even look real.

TrevorMoran: 'Feeling really lonely.'

2000 retweets already? Damn.

Lilomelon: 'Can I come cuddle with you, babe?'

My blood started boiling. Yeah, I get jealous.

TrevorMoran: '@Lilomelon Sure thing, beautiful. I'll come over now x.'




"What's wrong, Tabby?" Connor looked at me, & I beckoned him over. He scooted over to me, & peered at my phone. "Oh, god, I'm sorry-" He was cut off by my pounce on him.

"I need a hug." Connor generously hugged me, & Iet out a sigh of sadness.

"Alright, the boys are all on their way. Sam said they're bringing a lot of food & crap." He laughed, & I tried my best to surpress a smile.


"TABBY!!!" They all ran inside, & dropped off their crap. 5 sleeping bags, since JC picked up Connor's, chicken mcnuggets because we're fatasses, more soda, 6 full bags of chips, video games, all their computers, and sweets.

"DAMN, GUYS!" I hugged them all tightly, & they all smiled widely.

"Let's make a vine, guysies!" Ricky squealed, & we all agreed. "Alright, this one will be us making random sounds fastly." We all know that's his favorite, so we all started making random noises that if anyone else heard, we'd be in an asylum by now.

Falling back on the couch, we set up Ricky's laptop, since it's still Monday, we have to film it for Tuesday. All if us got 60 Chicken McNuggets with 10 sauces, & we have 20 minutes. If you couldn't guess, it's challenge week, & Ricky chose Chicken McNuggets. Anywhore, we set the time & attacked the chicken. My strategy was to shove as many nuggets as I can in my mouth at the same time, & it'll work well because I'm starving.

"Damn, gurl." Ricky muffled out & I started laughing through my nose. 2 minutes in, & I already finished 43.

"Tabby has a..." I dropped 4 more in my mouth, "big appetite." They all started laughing at my response, & I took this as time to finish it without them noticing. 10 in my mouth. Swallow. 3 in my mouth. Chew, swallow. I took a sip of my Sprite, & let out a sigh. "FUCK YO SHIT I WON. MY SWAGGER IS OFF DA CHAIN YO." I startled them, & then their eyes went big.

"How did you do that, woman?" JC squeaked, & I started laughing.

"It's called strategy. You should try that." I smiled at the last part.

"Yeah, maybe his strategy will be to fit as much penis in his mouth as he can." Kian enthused, & we all hunched over in laughter, including JC.

Ricky stared right at the camera. "As you now, Trevor is not with us in this video because he's busy in the studio tonight." My eyes grew huge, the same with Connor, & we both exchanged looks. "See," Ricky snapped his fingers, & went to another place in my house, "you," he moved again, "guys," he dropped down on the floor, "la-," he stood at the door, "-ter." And we all bursted out laughing, I love how they all end their videos.

"Oh, shit!" All our attention was focused on Sam, & he facepalmed himself. "I was signed onto Trevor's account on here & replied to his fans all day. Shit!" Kian slapped the back of his head, & Sam squealed a bit.


{Trevor's POV}

The song is still being edited a bit in the studio, so I signed onto my twitter & was staring at my page. Somebody hacked my account! I scrolled down, & saw all the responses.

Damn it, Sam!

"Trevor, we think this song should be a duet." The recording lady announced, & I smiled.

"I know exactly who to call." My grin got bigger, & she lightly crooked hee head to the side.

"Who? We have to approve them, first."

"You'll see." I looked through my contacts, & pressed a button. 2 rings later, they picked up. I took out a deep breath, "Hey."


DON'T READ ------------------------------- Always (Trevor Moran)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora