Chapter 6: Birthdays are Meant to be Celebrated

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{Trevor's POV:}

Tabby & I have been inseperable since the clubbing night. I brought half of my wardrobe over to her house, & she did the same in my house. Today is Thursday, & this week is make-up week. Well... Tabby & I decided to put a twist on it: we're blindfolding each other, & doing each other's make-up. We're currently working on it right now.

"Hi guys! It's Treeeeevor ratchet Friday! And this week is MAKE-UP WEEK. To accompany me today... we have a beautiful guest."

Tabby got in the video, "Tabitha! Hey there Moranimals." Ahah, that was cute.

"So, today we're going to blindfold each other & do the make-up of the other person. I'm not sure if I'm ready..... maybe I'm better than her."

"Oh, stop it, you!" She playfully pinched my cheeks & they flushed a deep maroon color. I cut the film, & we got placed in our positions. I turned on the video, & sat back down.

"Let's do this, Tabby!" We grabbed both of our make-up materials, each getting the same amount, & we blindfolded ourselves.

I grabbed something, & patted for her face, she did the same. Once I found her, I opened the lid & applied it to wherever it landed.

"Oh my, we're going to look like mentally insane people."

"We already are, Tabby." We kept laughing & cracking stupid jokes at each other. When the 5 minute bell rang, we put down our make-up materials, & we faced the camera. "One... Two.... Three!" We ripped off the blindfolds, & looked at our faces in the view my camera shows.

"Holy potatos! We look like we partied too hard & got a hangover!"

I had eyeliner all over my lips, lipstick on my cheek, following eye shadow all over my nose. Foundation was spread all over my chin. I think Tabby's was worse: eyeliner marks all over her forehead, lipstick on her nose & stretching out to a part of her cheek, eyeshadow was patted down all over her chin & lips, & the foundation was in swirls by her lips.

"Whoops.... Sorry Tabby." We laughed at each other & our stupidity. I stopped filming & we took the make-up off of our faces. After about 3 minutes of hard scrubbing, we started filming up in my room.

"Well, that's it! Thanks for watching guys, give it a thumbs up if you think our faces looked sexy with it on!"

"I'll be expecting those thumbs up from you guys!" Tabby raised both of her thumbs, & I followed her. "Oh, you little pest!" She laughed, & started rubbing my forehead with her thumbs. I started doing the same, & we got into a thumb fight... placing our thumbs on each other's stomachs, sides, arms, etc.

"I see how it is!" I grabbed her, forgetting all about the camera, & layed her flat down on the bed. I started tickling her & she kept squealing & giggling. I caressed her cheek. I was blushing & so was she. I blurted out the next thing that came into mind.

"Tabby, will you be my girlfriend? I love you."

She gasped, "YES! I would love to be-" I stopped her by smashing my lips into hers. Sparks were flying everywhere, electricity flowing through my pulse. We started making out roughly, & I stopped once her phone buzzed. "You should get that, beautiful." I traced a heart on her cheek, & she smiled. She checked the text, & started facepalming herself. "Sorry that I have to finally leave you, Trev! Kian needs help cleaning up today!" She hugged me goodbye, & she left. I just sulked. I looked up, & saw my camera was still recording.

"OH SHIT!" I ran up, & turned it off. Smiling, I started editing the video.

I added some effects here & there, but it was pretty set. And then, there was the video at the end. I brooded it through, & made my decision.

I started clicking.

{Tabby's POV:}

"Alright, Kian, that's it-"

I was disturbed when Kian slapped my butt. "What was that for!?"

"Sorry, it's just so round & perfect." He said with a cheeky smile. I guess he was just joking around, so I started laughing.

"Are you trying to flirt with me, Keen da' Bean?" I tried my best to mimic an American accent.

"Yes I am, Tabby-Cat. Not even going to lie." He said, raising his eyebrows up & down, squeezing my butt.

"Kian, I'm dating Trevor.... if this is something more than friendly, you should stop." His face dropped automatically, & he put his arms to his side awkwardly.

"I have to go see Sam. Bye, Tabitha." He nodded & dashed out. Weird. I ran back over to Trevor's, hopefully I haven't missed out on anything.

~~~~~~~~ FRIDAY:~~~~~~~~~

I arrived at Trevor's, with a happy smile on my face. He said he gad a surprise for me today... I wonder what it is!? I knocked on the door.

{Trevor's POV:}

With the video currently uploading, I hid all the O2L boys from Tabby, wanting it to be a surprise for her birthday. We all got her awesome presents, mine being the most expensive.

She knocked on the door, & I flew it wide open. "Baby!" I screamed, kissing her & picking her up bridal style. I placed her down on the couch & told her to close her eyes. I signaled the boys to come over- they tiptoed infront of her, & I told her to open her eyes.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TABITHA!" The boys & I cheered. Her face was blushing & she smiled widely.

"How did you find out it was today? And you really didn't have to do all of this for me."

"I found out from your Facebook, babe!" I said enthusiastically.

"And Birthdays are Meant to be Celebrated, Tabitha!" We all squealed, & she jumped up.

"You guys are amazing." She yelled & we grouphugged.

She doesn't know what's still going to happen.


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