Chapter 18 - Diamond

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{Tabby's POV}

As usual, I woke up the earliest at 2 AM, so I packed up all my stuff, left a note, & ran back home, since I wanted to finish that song of mine. There was a few cars here and there, but I made it back in about fifteen minutes, I assume. Practically barging into my house, I waddled upstairs & pounced onto my bed, gripping onto my Macbook widely. Turn on, sign on, Sony Vegas.

Hmmm... which song should I use for this week? Nahh, I'll just use regular vlog music. Whilst editing the clips, I got a Skype contact add, & my mouth dropped down.




Did THE Marina Lambrini Diamandis just add me? Oh hell yes I'm accepting! I took a quick glance at my morning look - eh, it's whatever, I'll just put it in a side ponytail. So I did.

CALL FROM: Marina Lambrini Diamandis


No later than six seconds, the Skype call came up & she looked as stunning as ever. And I'm just there, oops.

"Hello, darling!" Her smile beamed through the webcam, causing me to giggle a bit.

"Hey! What's cracka' lackin'?"

"Aww, I like you. Oh, I was calling to see if you wanted to open up for my upcoming California concert?"

Oh my god.

I had the chance of a lifetime... to play in front of millions for Marina & The Diamonds.

Can you pour cold water on me?

I think I'm going to spaz out.

"Oh, sure! I'd love to! When is the concert?" I clasped my hands together, trying to contain my fangirl.

"The concert is this Friday, we're doing a grunge sort of look, but you can stick out if you want. Are you available?"

"I'm as single as a DOLLA BILL." I winked, & she bursted out in laughter. "Do you need a specific song I should play?"

"No, darling, that's alright. The more spontanious, the better. Anywhore, I have to get to bed, it's a big day tomorrow. Good night, Tabby." She blew a kiss, which I returned, & logged off.

Aaaanddd let it all out.

I basically shimmied all the way across my room, falling over my guitar.

"Ideaaaaaaaaaa." I egg rolled over to my bed, jumped up onto it, & scrolled through all the songs I had saved on my computer. Scrolling down, & deeper down my documents, I found the file I was looking for.



I called up Connor, since he was the only one up at five AM, & asked him to come with me to shop for the concert. Right as I got ready & locked up the house, he pulled up.

"Let's get cracking, gurlllll." He winked at me, & I went inside the car. 'Technologic' came on the radio, so we exchanged glances, & bursted out singing loudly, rocking back & fourth in our seats. About six songs later, we arrived at the mall, luckily it was open 24/7, so we scurried inside, going into Buckle first.

Con disappeared in the guys section, while I was looking at dresses. There was skimmpy, short, normal, & long. Merp. I grabbed a purple and pink washboard dress with black ripped lace on it, which ended four inches above my knees. Now, shoes. Their variety of boots, heels, sneakers, & flats were HUGE, but nothing really caught my attention... before I landed on grunge Vans in the size of 9, & grabbed them off the floor. Connor came rushing to me, with ten tank tops, a lot of jeans, shorts, & shoes.

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