Chapter 1: Arrival

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"Mum, where did you leave the keys?" I squeaked from nerves. 

"I got them, now, come on! Finish getting your luggage into the car!" She squealed, overly excited for the transfer.

I trudged to her pitch black '69 Monaro, & threw in my last bag of luggage. Sighing, I entered the back seat, taking out my new Macbook Pro. I typed in the password, went to Google Chrome, & signed into my Twitter, Fizzyfied (this was my actual Twitter). Checking through my feed, I landed on a post from my best friend, Miranda. I clicked on it, & looked at the collage of pictures of us that she made. I retweeted, & shut it down.

"Ready, sweety?" 

"Let's go, mum..." 


****** 2 hours later ******

  "Flight 24 is now boarding."

I started to slump up to the line, waiting a good 5 minutes just to get on. My mum kept smiling & saying that everything is going to be great, I admired her enthusiasm, but I just had a feeling that it won't end well. I finally walked into the plane, put my luggage up, & found the perfect seat. Sitting down, I took out my iPhone & headphones, searching for McTube. Once I opened it up, I clicked my McTube playlist, & started jamming to When I'm Small by Phantogram. "Showing love, you got your hand on the button now." I started humming along, & just peered out the window, looking at Australia for one last time, & the plane flew off. 

********** 12 MORE hours later************ 

"You may now get off the plane."

My mum dashed up, out of the seat, & got our luggage. I grabbed mine, & we boarded off the plane.   "It's hugeeeee!!!" My mum started squealing again, full of awe.  

"Yeah, it's gorgeous." I started wondering around the parking lot. "Let's get to our house!"   We got back in the car, & hurried off to our new home, which was only about 25 minutes away. Arriving, my mouth dropped open. "It's so... so... HUGE." I started at the 3-story penthouse, completely astonished. I ran to the trunk, grabbed the keys & my luggage, & opened the front door. "IT'S BEAUTIFUL!" I darted inside, my mum following me. 

"Honey, your room is on the 2nd floor, the room with the white door." She said, starting to unpack & decorate.

Smiling, I ran up a set of stairs, & found my room. Opening the door, I was gazing at my new, beautiful room. Lime green walls with a small purple line at the bottom, a King-Sized bed with ebony sheets & a cherry-red comforter, dark wooden floors, a crystal-clear dresser with a big mirror, & a huge closet. I don't even have to decorate that much! Unpacking, I hung up some clothes & belts, I put the rest of my clothes in the dresser, I put up my Christmas-Styled lights, my poster of The Janoskians, a few Paramore & Twenty One Pilots posters, also, & put down some decorations: like a Victoria Secret purple-polka dot dog, my CD display, some of my books & games, & I put down the rest of my stuff on the dresser.

Getting up, I put on my red beanie, brushed my long, brown wavy hair to the side, put on my half red- half blue vans, a red & black plaid Flannel shirt, & high-wasted denim shorts. Sprintzing some Burberry on, I grabbed my purple skateboard, my iPhone, & my bag, which my bikini & towel was in. I started skating around, keeping my key secured in my bag, & found the beach

. I stopped skating, & walked down towards the ocean. I got distracted my an ice-cream stand, so I headed over there. "One Rocky-Road ice cream cone, please?" I handed him a dollar, & retrieved my ice cream. I retreated back to my perfect spot, & placed my towel. Sitting down, I gazed at the beautiful, aqua ocean, and some cute surfers, but I'm used to that sight by now! Finishing my ice cream, I left to the bathroom, switched into my bikini, & headed back, all in under 30 seconds. Relieved that everything was still there, I took off my beanie & shoes, placed them in my bag, & turned on my McTube playlist. One Minute by Krewella came on, & I started to relax & tan. Right when the drop came, something dropped- and it was not the music. 

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" He started squirming up. 

"It's no problem, are you alright?" 

"Yeah, I guess I wasn't paying that much attention." He started laughing, & it was cute, but gentle. I couldn't help but laugh, too. "My name's Trevor, Trevor Moran. And you are?" 

"I'm Tabitha, Tabitha Ellis." I said in a James Bond tone, lifting up my non-realistic sunglasses. He started laughing, & sat down next to me. 

"Wanna swim?" I nodded, & we headed into the water. I can already tell something, besides the fact that I was getting really tan:  California was going to be great.

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