Epilogue - "Car Radio"

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{Trevor's POV}

$545 down the drain to save the girl I've never gotten over.

The girl who believed in all these rumors about my life.

The girl who committed.

And here I am, in this disinfected white room, waiting for her to wake up....

If she ever will.

When I got a call from Miranda, I broke down in tears. She saved my beautiful princess...

MY princess.

Who I've hurt dearly, whilst trying to let her be happy.

That backfired badly.

Connor rushed in, & we collided bodies simutaniously, my tears soaking his shirt.

"Shhh... it'll all be okay." His hands rubbed the back of my neck, attempting to calm me down. "It'll all work out, Trevor."

"B-but what i-if her lun-ngs are dam-maged?" I tried processing my words between the sniffles.

"Don't you worry, she'll survive this."

And all the boys stampeeded into the room, joining us two in a huge group hug. By now, all 6 of us were in hysterics, crying immensly.

"Mr.Moran?" The nurse asked, her voice shaking slightly. This isn't a very good sign for us.

"Y-yes?" I blew my nose (in a tissue I'm not nasty) so I could pronounce my speech better.

"Miss Ellis isn't doing that well... and if she doesn't wake up in a couple of hours, we'll have to put her to sleep."

Her words hit me in the heart, like a steel bullet going a million miles per second.

"I'm very, truly sorry. If-"

I followed my impulse, and ran as fast as I could down the hallways.

"TREVOR!" Connor & Ricky chased me, attempting to keep up.

With the tears making my vision hazy, I plopped down on an empty wheel chair, & wheeled my way down the stairs, & flung off of it, running up the long flight of stairs.

Second flight.



They were extremely behind now, but I couldn't care less.

I needed to see her.

Room 4E - thankfully, the door was unlocked, so I tore open the door, not even bothering to close it. My feet levitated me over to Tabby's unmoving body. Examining everything that's changed, I noticed her throat has a thick, purple ringlet, & her palm of her hand was mutilated. The tears of mine poured over her arm, as I took a seat next to the bed.

I took my hand into hers, massaging it smoothly, "Beautiful, if you can hear me.... It's Trevor. I'm here now." Whilst making circles in her hand, I pressed my lips onto her forehead, the droplets falling down onto the same spot.




My heart fluttered.

No way.

This is unreal.

Am I dreaming?


The heart monitor started progressing, the bars moving up & down.

"Tabby?" My hoarse voice squealed, nerves, butterflies, love, & an unhumane emotion I've never felt was fluttering within my stomach.

She has a chance.

Placing my ear by her heart, I heard her heart starting to beat a little bit below normal.

"Princess... it's Trevor. I am here. Please, open up those beautiful eyes of yours."

The beat accelerated.


It picked up faster.

"I love you."

5 years of not seeing them. One of the most fascinating objects I've ever seen. Probably more astonishing than the galaxy themselves.

Her eyes opened.

"T-Trev-vor?" Tabby croaked, paining my heart. I wish I could feel the pain instead of her suffering.

"Sh, shh... I'm here now," I laid down next to her, "I'll always be here."

"I'm s-sorr-y...." her eyes wandered up to meet mine. And that's when I realized that her eyes aren't the same as I last saw them. They don't light up in speckles.

"Darling, it's okay. It'll all be okay." Subconsiously, my fingers started wrapping around her ringlets, a faint smile appearing on her face. "I missed you, beautiful."

"I mis-sed you to-o." she slightly ducked her head into my shoulder, taking the advantage of the support.

Then, the nurses, Miranda, & the boys came in.
{Tabby's POV}

"Stiles! Aurora!" I beckoned them to the car, waiting to drive them to school.

"Coming, mom!"

The twins literally shoved each other, debating on where we go out to breakfast this morning.

"Mom, Stiles wants to go to Subway for breakfast! Please tell him he doesn't need food if he has second block lunch!" Aurora snapped her fingers, the sass showing.

"Tell McFatty over here that she'll queef all over the place if she has McDonald's for breakfast." Stiles rolled his eyes.





"Shut up & get in the car. We'll get Starbucks." Trevor mused from up front, solving the solution.

"Thank you, honey." I beamed a smile at Trevor. He's been here for the growth of the two, & I couldn't be more happy - I cannot survive their constant bickering.

"Get in, lardass." Aurora pinched Stiles' ear.

Oh, I love being part of the Moran family.

"You're such a loser, Auri."

Stiles & Aurora are twins - they're kind of identical, just different colors of their hair & eyes. Aurora got the wavy, carmel-brown shadefrom my side of the family, with piercing grey eyes, whilst Stiles had straight black hair from Trevor's side, & inherited his father's blue eyes.

They still looked very much alike, hence, why they always insult each other. Stiles is the other twin, surprisingly, so he's a little protective over Aurora.

I'm proud of them, Trevor & I raised them correctly - despite the insults - & they both manage to be the top students in the whole school.

Only a couple of more months until my babies are high schoolers... I am not crying... whaaaaaatttt?

"Hurry up, sweetheart! I'm craving my coffee." Trev whined from across of me.

"Well shut up & let me drive, potato sack."

"I'm your potato sack." he whispered in my ear, cooing.



{Aurora's POV}

Straightening out my outfit [A/N: it consists of a white & red washboard tank, cherry shorts, lilac & lime colored Adidas hightops, & her hair is in beach waves tbh k back to the story], I looked around my best friend, Sebastian Franta. Despite the fact that I've had the hugest crush on him since the end of fifth grade doesn't help the awkwardness.

Spotting the tall brunette, I grinned & trekked my way over to him. There's a football game today, so his team mates are wearing the jackets & grey skinny jeans - since our school colors are grey & red.

"Auriiiiiii!!!!" Sebastian squeezed me in a tight hug once he saw me, earning a couple of wolf whistles from his mates.

I just laughed it off. "What's up, Seb?" my mouth curved into a creepy smirk - not under my control... I mean, his hair looks really attractive in a quiff today, & don't even get me started on his piercing green eyes. That boy's... EVERYTHING... is perfect.

"Are you cold, Auri?" he noticed the goosebumps forming on my arms. Stupid sleeves.... I nodded in agreement. "Uh, here. Wear this for today," he swiftly removes the varsity jacket, placing my arms into the cozy sleeves. "You look great in my clothes, don't you?" a boyish smirk played on his lips, causing the butterflies to fly all over in my stomach.

"Maybe you just like to see me in them."

"Oooo shiiittttt!" the players, once again, started joking around about us. As always.

"Well, I should get to class. Bye, Auri." Sebastian leans over, & plants a warm kiss on my cheeks, setting my body on fire.

"B-bye, Seba-stian...!" I waved awkwardly, & slumped down, looking at his friends. "Sooo.... wanna talk about the Giants?"

And that's how you make a smooth recovery with any boy.


{Stiles' POV}

"And I was all like 'her booty aint big enough for me' you feel?" Presten was talking about his decision for the victim of the year.

"Sadly, I don't, dude. Sorry." I shrugged it off, walking into class. We both took our seats, luckily we're right across from each other.

"You should really join in with us, dude. We swear if you don't get a girlfriend, you're gay." he shrugs his shoulders, huffing softly.

"I support equal rights, but that doesn't mean that I'm literally gay...." I gave him a small smile, when two kids I've never seen walked in to the room.

The boys' dirty blonde curls were spread out all over his forehead, being covered by a black beanie, kind of shadowing his blue eyes, whilst rocking a grey Hollister shirt & khakis. Seemed like a prick....

The girl on the other hand.... her hair was a unique shade of orange, but that wasn't what captivated me: she had purple eyes. You might not believe it, but purple eyes are realistic. And I've just saw them - I must say, she's flawless. Tan skin, a nice sense of style (a galaxy-print blouse, grey skinny jeans, & purple ankle-boots) & confidence seemed to radiate off of her.

New crush status.

"Dibs." Presten stated, checking her out.

"Hell no you don't!" I nudged him a bit in his seat, earning a laugh from him.

"Chill, man. You can have her. But that butt though...."

"Presten, stop being a pervert!"

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, writing down the English class' BOCA today.

"Hey, does anyone sit here?"

Her voice is angelic, too.

I am not okay.

My eyes connected with hers, a smirk plastered on her face.

"The seat's free." I beamed back at her, & watched her sit down, soonly spinning around to face me.

"So, what's your name?" her smokey make-up captivated me even more so, eh, why not give this a shot?!

"I'm Stiles. Pretty weird name, but I like it. What's yours?"

"Marinna. Pleasure meeting you, dude." She winked at me, causing me to automatically fall in love.

"Hey, could I have your number? I'd love to get to know you better," I flashed a confident smile her direction.

Marinna stood up, walked to where I was sitting, & stuck her hand in my pocket.

She kind of touched my peni...

"Let me put my contact in." She smirked flirtatiously, obviously knowing what she did.

This chick...

"Here you go. Text me whenever you can." And she sat back down in her desk.

Well, this is eventful.



Here you guys goooo ;) I thought I'd give you more of what their kids are up to.

PS- Presten is Sam's son, whilst the blonde boy is Ricky's, & the ginger girl is Kian's daughter.

I wanted them all to have kids sometime, so why not in this one? ;)

I hope you liked it... I changed the plot in this 6 times to make you guys happy irdk okay

Book 1 is done! :D

Book 2, you might ask?

Let's just say...

[not saying]

;) (; be excited.


Okay tbh you guys were all really upset & I didn't want anyone to legit cry so I made this a more happy ending for you (: ily stay fresh! This is the end of this fanfiction.


Thank you so much for all the support & reads <3



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