Chapter 13 - Tightrope

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Blake's room smelled so good, as it always has. It gave me nostalgia about the good days back is Melbourne.

"Thank you, Blake."

"No problem," he smirked, placing his hand on my thigh again, "he seemed like he isn't in to you. Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah, I'm alright... I guess he's just not in a good mood." His hand slowly moved up to the hem of my dress, fuck.

"You should give me a chance, Tabby. I know you still haven't gotten completely over me." He smiled, & I took a deep gulp.

"I'm over you, can we just be friends?" He nodded, & I took a sigh of relief. Blake laughed gently,

"You're cute when you blush." My eyes widened. I couldn't be blushing... Oh god. No. "Don't worry, babe. Just relax." He slipped his hand off of me, & got up. "I'll get you some sweats."

"Thanks, Blake. Sorry to be a bother," he came back with a pair of red sweats & a white tee.

"No problem. There's a bathroom next door." He pointed, & I nodded. I took off my dress, & then I remembered about his parents. Hurridly, I put on the clothes, & ran downstairs.

"H-he's f-fine..." I started panting, to see both of them asleep on the couch. Smiling, I headed back up to his room. Stopped in my tracks. He took off his shirt, only in his boxers currently. "Blake, put some clothes on."

"S-sorry... I thought you weren't done yet?"

"I rushed. Erm, do you want me to sleep out in the living room?"

"Nah, you can sleep in my bed. I'll sleep by the window," he patted on the little place to sleep over there, "I sleep here a lot anyways."

"Are you sure?"

"Tabs, just go to sleep." He now had neon yellow gym shorts on with a white tank.

"Alright, goodnight, Mordecai." I laughed, & he smirked.

"Night, Rigby." He went on the window seat, & turned off the lights. I sat on the bed, laying down perfectly still, when I heard him lightly snore. Phaha.

I feel awkward being here.

Is he asleep?

Yeah, he's asleep.

I silently got up from his bed, put my dress and shoes back on, placed his clothes on his dresser, & ran out his house. Finding my board, I hurried down to my house. Unlocking the front door, I ran up to my room, & changed into my PJS- which consists of Con's hoodie & my black booty shorts. Coooomfooorttttt. I grabbed my laptop, & hurridly turned it on. I clicked Skype, & saw that Katherine was online. She was another one of my friends in Australia, so I called her. She picked up after five rings.

"Oi, girl!" She sleepily rasped, & I laughed.

"Hey, dude. What's cracking?"

"Errr, I really don't know, the whole group basically seperated because of you. Miranda & I are the only tight ones now."

"Oh god, what happened?"

"Well, Rea started it off by leaving us for her douche of a boyfriend, which caused Dallina to physically fight her, so Dallina ended up leaving the group with Rea, Inna left because she found new friends with the preps, Verdona & Edmund left because they thought Miranda & I were spreading rumors about them... So now it's just us two."

"Aww, I'm sorry, Kat. Anyways, you guys are on Sum-"

"I gotta go, my mom just came home. Bye, Tabby!" She smiled, & logged off.

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