Chapter 10: Frozen Fears

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Hi, everyone!  Hope you've all been excited for this part!  Sorry to keep you waiting, but at least you're back!  (Well at least I think you are if you're reading this)

Let's begin-

Also, if you need a quick reminder on what happened last chapter (cause I know it's been a while) Serena got really upset so she ran into the forest and met up with the Umbreon, and the Umbreon got her and she screamed.... that's about it.

Anyways, on with-

This chapter will be long.



"Pikachu, let's go!" he said without any hesitation.  His yellow partner leaped towards him, and Ash hopped on his back, facing the forest.

"Wait, A-Ash, shouldn't I-" Clemont began hesitantly, but Ash interrupted him.

"No, it should be me," he protested.  "After all, the Umbreon already got me, so I'm basically safe.  I mean, I don't know if it got Serena, but if you went and all three of us-"

"No, you're right," Clemont sighed.  "But wait, before you go, take some stuff with you.  Just in case she or her Pokemon are hurt or something." 

Without waiting for Ash's response, he ran off.  Ash waited for about a minute, and soon he saw his blonde-haired friend carrying a small bag in his hands.  He gave it to Ash, then gestured for him to leave.  "Go!" he said, turning away.  "Serena needs you."


"Y-Yeah, thanks, Clemont," Ash said, then Pikachu quickly raced off in the direction the scream came from.  Thanks to Pikachu's amazingly fast speed, they were able to reach Serena in no time.  "Serena?" he called as he and Pikachu emerged through some bushes.  "Serena-"

He gasped at the scene in front of him.  

Serena's Sylveon, battered and bruised, trying painfully to stand up, Espeon helping her.

Footprints scattered everywhere.

Scorch marks on the trees (the ones that remained standing).

And Serena...

Instantly, Ash leaped off of his partner, and started running down the slight slope there was.  "Serena!  Where are you!?  Answer me, please?"


Answer me, Serena, I'm counting on you.

 A small cough sounded from the distance.

Sure enough, as Ash turned, he saw her, Serena, blearily trying to stand up.  His heart ached for his friend.  "Serena," he said gratefully, and ran towards her.  "Serena, I'm here."

"A-A-Ash," she stuttered, still coughing a little.  "W-What happened-" she looked at him, and to his surprise, she smiled.  "You're normal again!"

Ash's heart broke.  I don't want to tell her...

"That's great, how did it..." she trailed off when she noticed the three Pokemon standing not far away.  Pikachu was feeding Sylveon a berry from the bag Clemont had given them, and Espeon was nibbling on one herself.  Of course, Ash was used to the sight of the gigantic-looking Pokemon now, but Serena wasn't.  He looked at his friend, and he saw she had started paling.

"Th-That's not n-normal," she stuttered, looking down at herself, shivering a little.  She looked at Ash.  "I got shrunk too, right?"

Unable to do anything else, he nodded, still not speaking.  Why did this happen to Serena?  She did nothing to deserve this... she's sweet, kind, funny... one of the best friends I have.

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