
"Michael I need a riding partner. We both know that Calum and Luke are going to pair up like always and I don't want to be stuck with an older guy or something. That would be awkward and creepy." Ashton twiddles his thumbs and stares down at the ground.

I frown and throw my hands up, "Fine, let's go to the fucking tea cups and work our way up."

Luke smirks at Calum before handing him a five dollar bill, "How'd you know?"

"Elementary, my dear Watson," Calum laughs and puts an arm around Luke's shoulders before pushing him and running to the tea cups.


"Table for four please," Ashton has finally run down from his red bull high and gained some sense that going out to eat, after puking my guts out at Disney World, was a good idea. I was starving. I think I want spaghetti.

"Follow me please," The waitress says and grabs four menus from under the podium. She leads us to the back of the room and sets the table. I slide into the booth by the window and Luke squeezes in next to me. Ashton and Calum end up arguing on who wants to sit on the inside or outside and Calum ends up losing at rock paper scissors to be cramped in the inside of the table with Ashton on the outside.

"Hi, I'm Ashley and I'll be your waitress," A red head comes over to our table, picking a notepad out of her waist apron, "can I get you lads anything to drink?"

Ashton and Calum both order waters to make orders simple.

Luke and I both get Cokes to make thing difficult.

"Oh, are you guys not from the US? You guys seem to have a bit of an accent," Ashley came back with the drinks and handed them out. The red head opens her notepad back up and takes a pencil back out of a pocket on her apron.

"Sydney, Australia." I answer her and she raises her eyebrows in surprise.

"Wow, how far's that from here? I was never good at geography," Ashley laughs..

"Neither was I," Ashton grins, "but I think it may be close to 9,000 miles away." Ashley nods her head and puts the pencil onto the paper.

"Can I get you guys anything to eat?"

Ashton orders some kind of chicken. Luke smiles and politely asks for a plain old cheeseburger. Calum asks for the special-whatever the hell that is; and I order spaghetti.

"Gotcha, Ashley closes the notepad and smiles, "that will be out in a few minutes." She checks if anyone needs any refills and heads back to her other table to wait on. The boys and I talk about anything and everything. From one of of upcoming gigs to how our relationships with our girlfriends, well that question was from Luke and Calum to Ashton and I.

"Mate, let me out, I gotta pee," Ashton pokes on Calum's shoulder. He groans and is hesitant to get up from the comfy booth seat. "please?! I'm going to piss myself!" Ashton quietly shouts. Calum smirks and still doesn't move. "Dude, just take my seat and I'll take yours when I get back." Calum shrugs his shoulders and moves out of the way so Ashton can use the restroom.

"I just wanted to make him beg for it," Calum smiles, "I wasn't being a dick about it, was I?" Luke and I both grin and shake our heads no.

"Nope, it sure makes a bit up for the red bull from earlier,"

Ashton gets back and sits down in Calum's old spot and he switches their drinks. Ashley comes back with the trays of food and sets them in the right spots. "Enjoy your meal," she chirps and goes back off  to another table.

I take one bite of my spaghetti-and it was HEAVEN! I haven't eaten anything this good in a while. The boys and I are halfway done with our meals when a little girl comes running at Ashton's legs. She doesn't look any older than three, with blue/hazel eyes and dark hair.

"Dada!" The little girl clutches onto Ashton's leg and hugs it.

Shit. Is this Adelyn?! What's she doing here?! Where's Jetta?!

I look around and see no sign of Jetta, but a younger guy, about the age of Jetta and matching looks, chasing the younger girl. "Lyn!" He yells and she looks back at him. The little girl points to Ashton again and says, "Dada!"

The man waltzes over and picks up the little girl, "No, he's not your Dada, Lyn. Sorry about that, she's been, uh, like that to a lot of younger men like us. Sorry again." The dark haired man waves a goodbye before Luke stops him.

"You look familiar mate, where you from?"

The man's blue eyes grow wide, "I'm uh, I'm from Florida mate."

"Really?" Ashton squeaks, "because I think the Aussie accent says otherwise."

[ This isn't one of my best chapters... I hate it ]

Let me know what you think is going to happen in the next chapter ;) bet you won't guess right xD and heads up: there's going to be about three more chapters... so I'm sorry, but there will be no sequel. At least not from me-but if you guys want to write a sequel off of my book and dedicate a chapter to me, I will gladly read it and tell you how good it is so far :) Thank you guys so much!

do the usual ;)


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