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Regina have Henry his chores and picked up Mia. It was her first day back at work since she has Mia. She set a letter of how to feed Mia and how to take care of her throughout the day. She set Mia in a small cradle Emma and built and put downstairs. There was knock on the door just as she slipped on her jacket. Regina kissed kiss forehead and walked to the door.
    Ruby smiled. "Sorry I'm late."
  "That's my line." Regina commented. "It's okay. I left a list of things to do with her on my table. Henry has chores to do. He shouldn't be much of a hassle. My numbers are on the fridge if you need them. If I don't answer Emma will." Regina said in a long voice as the baby had fallen asleep.
    Ruby nodded. "Alright. I think I can handle this." She said. "Enjoy your first day back."
   Regina rolled her eyes. "Right. See you in a little bit. Call me first if anything happens. Emma is extremely busy these days."
     "Okay. Bye Mrs. Swan-Mills. Mia will be fine." Ruby said.
    Regina nodded and walked out of the house. She shut the door behind her and walked to her office. She pulled her jacket around herself. She wasn't cold. She was nervous.
      "Madam mayor! Hi!"
  Regina stopped at the door. Archie walked over. He had Pongo with him. The dog barked at her. He wasn't fond of her and Regina wasn't fond of him. She took a step back as the dog nipped at her. "What do you want Archie?"
     "You look glum. And one comment. It's the middle of summer Regina. What's with the jacket?"
     "Well we're commenting on people attire. May I ask why you are wearing those hideous glasses? I know you need hem but can't you chose a pair that doesn't make people want to burn them?" Regina snapped back.
    Archie looked at Regina. "You seem to have your fire back. I wanted to see if you were okay."
   "I'm fine." She snapped. "May I go to work now? Or do you want to comment on my shoes too?"
     He shook his head. "No thank you. Have a good day." He said and walked past her. Pongo nipped her arm as they walked past.
    "And keep your dog under control!" She snapped. Her jacket had a tear in it from where the dogs teeth had sunk in. She sighed and walked into her office. She didn't know why she was like this today. She supposed it was from being so nervous about leaving Mia for the first time. Regina's also noticed herself slipping back into her old ways, and not telling Emma. Regina's missed a few meals lately. And defiantly dropped a few pounds. Regina walked to her desk and sat down. She started on the pile of paperwork she missed and found was too much for snow to handle.
Regina finished her work and was finally caught up. She looked at her watch. "Jesus! It's almost 10:00!" She said jumping up. She told ruby she would be back around 8:00ish. Emma wouldn't be home. Regina grabbed her coat and ran out of her office slipping her coat on as she ran. She hurried to the house and walked in out of breath.
Ruby was asleep on the couch and Mia was asleep in her small crib that Emma had put downstairs. Regina shut the door and walked over softly. She shook ruby gently. "Hey." She said softly.
Ruby stirred and yawned. "What time is it?" She asked.
"It's almost 10:00. I ran a lot over. I'm sorry." She said as ruby sat up.
Ruby stretched. "I know you ran over. I found that out once it hit nine." She said stifling a yawn. "It's fine. Henry's asleep. Mia had her bath. They both ate."
"Thank you. Do you need me to drive you home?" Regina asked.
"No. I'll call Granny. I know she isn't asleep. She never goes to sleep until she knows my plans." Ruby said. She pulled her phone out and slipped into the kitchen to call.
Regina quickly picked up Mia and brought her upstairs. She put her in her crib and kissed her forehead. "Goodnight my sweet." She said softly. She snuck to Henry's room and opened the door. She walked over And kissed his forehead. "Sleep well my prince." She said softly and shut his door. Regina walks downstairs and pulled out her wallet. She handed ruby the money. And a little extra for staying late. "Goodnight dear." She said as ruby walked to granny's car.
"Goodnight Mrs. Swan-Mills." Ruby said back and got into the car.
Regina walked back inside and walked to her room. She laid on the bed and fell asleep instantly. She didn't even remove her clothing. She was exhausted.

Maybe you care maybe you don't as you may know I have a heart problem. It's been causing me some health issues and I'm happy to let you know that I won't be needing surgery any time soon! So I'm very excited about that!

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