Almost Beautiful

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Regina got out of the cab and got the money and payed. She thanked him and walked down the sidewalk. She wished she would have tabbed a jacket or something. The temperature had dropped as winter neared. She wrapped her arms around her thin body and walked into the gas station he had dropped her off at. She walked to the counter. "Do you have a phone I could use?"
     The manager looked at her. "Did you come from that nuthouse not to far from here?"
     Regina hesitated. She knew she should lie. "I'm not crazy."
    He smirked. "Not you. The people who run it."he handed her a phone. "You're lucky you got out before they could brain wash you."
     Regina thanked him and dialed the number.
    "Hello?" The person answered with uncertainty.
   "Emma? It's Regina. Can you pick me up?"

   Regina waited outside the station shivering slightly. Though she must admit it was better than when she weighed nothing. She still had some warmth from body heat she now had. She didn't like how she looked but she did feel warmer and that was good. Emma pulled up and got out. "Regina what the hell?!"   
    Regina held her hands up in defense. "The people who work it are crazy! I got threatened by my roommate and she said she would kill me! I had enough! We didn't even talk about you sending me there! I had no say! I'm an adult Emma! You have to tell me this sort of things!"
     Emma shook her head. "You need help Regina. I was trying to help you!"
     "Well try harder!!! You're not doing anything!" Regina shouted. "This is not helping me! It's scaring me!"
    Emma took a step back. "Scaring you?"
     Regina nodded. "I shouldn't have to be scared that one day will be my last day in my house. It's not fair to me."
     Emma sighed and looked at the ground as snow began to flutter down to the ground. "I know. I'm sorry. I should have done that."
     Regina looked at her. "No. You shouldn't have. I want your help. But if this is how you help than I want no part of it."
She bit her lip and a tear slid down her cheek. "I'm sorry Emma. I can't take it anymore."
Emma shook her head. "Regina I want to help. I never had to go through this. I don't know how to do it. I don't know how to help you!"
Regina wiped a tear. "That's why you walk to me! I don't Know how much I can tell you but I can try to help you, help me."

          Regina closed her eyes and laid on the bed. She had made an appointment later today with her and Emma. They were talking with hopper. They had to talk with each other and figure out how to solve this problem. They had to learn how to talk to each other before they could solve anything. The question was whether Emma would be home to go to the appointment. Regina got up slowly and walked to the bathroom. She hesitated and shit the door and locked it. She undressed and got on the scale. She was scared to look. 113.2 Regina looked at the numbers and bit her lip. She hasn't weighed that much in such a long time. She looked in the mirror and sighed. She didn't look bad. If she ignored the comments in her head she didn't look horrid. She still looked thin but her bones were not as noticeable. She ignored the monsters in her head and forever herself to smile. In a way she looked almost beautiful. Regina almost liked it.

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