Talk To Us

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Regina, Mia, and Emma walked downstairs the next morning. Henry sat at the table.
    "You two need to get better walls." Henry commented.
    Regina blushed deeply and walked to the fridge and grabbed a bottle. She heated it up and fed the baby.
    Emma sat at the table. "Sorry kid."
It was Henry's turn to blush. "Just forget it please."
Emma smiled. "I don't want to forget."
Regina nearly dropped the bottle. "Emma! Drop it. You're scarring him."
Emma chuckled softly. "Okay. I'll drop it but I'll never forget."
Henry stood up quickly. "I think I'll go-"
"Sit down. We do need to talk." Emma said softly.
Henry slowly sat down.
Regina sat at the table next to Emma. She looked at Emma.
Emma looked over at Henry and took his hand. "Sweetie we need to know why you have been acting out like this. You know you could have came and spoke with us about your problems."
Henry looked at the table. "I just- I figured you wouldn't understand."
Regina reached over and took his hand with her free hand. "Even if we don't understand we can still help you."
     He sighed and nodded. "I know. Im sorry."
   "Don't be sorry. Just talk to us next time." Regina said softly.
    He looked up at her. "Okay. I promise."
Regina smiled back. "Okay." She said softly. "Now run upstairs. I put a list of chores on your dresser for you to do."
    He huffed loudly and ran upstairs.
  Emma reached over and took Regina's hand. "You're a great Mother."
     "You are too love." Regina said softly.

I know it's short.
I've been nominated by BlessedJessie to do ten things about me.
1.) I have the best girlfriend. My blessing. She is amazing and always there for me. I couldn't ask for a better person in my life.
2.) I have a twin sister.
3.) I am an actress and performer.
4.) I love pasta and apples!!!
5.) I want to be friends with literally everyone.
6.) I have thirteen siblings.
7.) I write a lot... I've won a few contests for my writing. It is an escape from reality.
8.) I play guitar, piano, cello, violin, viola, ukulele, flute, and am learning trombone.
9.) I sing a lot. Music is my life. Besides my girlfriend.
10.) I am every blessed to have the people I have in my life.

I nominate all my followers.

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