Did It Work?

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"And-" he clapped his hands together. "You're a month as of last week."
     Regina covered her mouth. "Really?"
   He nodded. "Now your weight is not where it needs to be right now but until you reach the third month you have time to bring it up. Most women gain about 27-29 pounds during their pregnancy. You'll have to gain at least 30 pounds."
    Regina nodded. The pounds he spoke scared her but she wanted this so bad. She would do anything to keep this pregnancy. "O-okay."
     He smiled softly. "Congratulations Mrs. Swan-Mills."
     She stood up. "Thank you!" She said softly with a smile.
   He shook her hand and led her out. "I'll see you back next month for a follow up. See you then."
    Regina smiled and walked outside and to her car. She drove in silence.
     Henry was sitting on the porch. As she drove up.
  Regina got out. "Sorry im late." She said.
       It was gently raining at the moment. "Where did you go?"
      "I just had to get something worked out." Regina said and unlocked the door.
    Henry nodded and walked inside. He set his book bag on a rack and shrugged off his jacket. "Okay." He walked to the kitchen.
    Lucky ran up to Regina and jumped on her playfully.
   Regina smiled. "Down boy." She said and knelt down to pet him. Emma slipped past her and to the kitchen as well as she had just arrived home from work.
Regina kissed lucky's head and watched the two. "Do either of you do anything other than eat?"
Emma peaked out from behind the fridge door. "No. Why?"
Henry sat at the table with a sandwich. "We like food."
Regina stood up. "I know." She said. "Don't spoil your dinner. Your grandparents are coming over."
Henry nodded. "What is for dinner?"
"None of your business. You will find out when it's served."
He frowned. "O-okay?"
Regina smiled. "Go upstairs and get your homework done. They'll be over soon."
He ran upstairs.
Regina looked at Emma. "Pasta?"
Emma frowned. "Pasta? Okay."
"Emma you have the charm bracelet for everyone on your family right?" Regina asked.
Emma nodded. "Yes. Why?"
"I'll be home in an hour or so. Okay?" Regina asked and walked got he door grabbing her coat.
"Ok-ay." Emma managed as Regina slipped out the door.

Regina picked out a small charm for the baby. A bird. She smiled. "I'll take this one please."
The man nodded and rang it up.
Regina took the small bag and walked to her car.
She got in and drove to the house in silence.
Emma's parents were already there. And it would seem Zelena was also invited.
Regina got out. It was starting to rain harder then the afternoon. She walked inside and shook the rain form her hair as she hung her jacket up.
Emma walked over. "What did you get?"
"You'll find out." Regina said.
"Okay. Dinners ready." Emma said.
"Let me wash up." Regina said.
Emma walked to the kitchen and Regina walked to the bathroom. She washed her hands and walked to the kitchen. She carried the small bag with her and set it down beside her chair.
They ate in silence for a small while.
Regina slipped the box containing the charm to Emma.
Emma looked at it confused and opened it. Her mouth dropped. "Regina it's beautiful. What is it for?"
"A new member of the family." Regina said softly. The others watched in confusion.
Emma frowned for a moment and her face lit up after a second. "Regina your-"
"You're going to have another baby Emma." Regina said softly.
Emma smiled and looked at Regina. "We all are."
Henry looked at Regina. "Mum? The- the doctors appointment and procedure worked? I'm gonna be a brother?"
Regina smiled. "Yes. You are. And you'll be an amazing big brother."

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