Oíche mhaith a chroí

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Regina woke to her door creaking open. She looked over. Henry stood in the doorway.
    Regina motioned him over. He walked over slowly.
   Regina pulled him into the bed with him and held him close. "I was so worried." She said softly.
     "I'm sorry." He said equally as softly. "For everything. I didn't want any of this."
   Regina kissed his hair. "We can talk about the rest tomorrow morning. Get some rest." She said.
   There was no reply. Regina heard his soft snoring as he had fallen asleep. Regina closed her eyes and held her son close. "Oíche mhaith a chroí. Goodnight my love." Regina said softly in his ear.

Emma walked in the next morning. She poured herself some coffee and sat down.
      "Good morning." She heard a soft voice say.
   Emma closed her eyes and leaned back in the chair. "I'm so tired."
    Regina slipped into a chair across from emma. "What have you been doing all night?"
     Emma opened her eyes and took a sip of her coffee. "I was having a chat with violet and her mother. As Henry told me. Violet threatened him and us if he didn't do what she wanted. I find that suspicious and I needed to check it out." Emma said.
     Regina took Emma's hand gently. "You should rest. Oh! Henry is asleep in our bed. He came in last night and I just let him sleep in the bed. So if you do go to bed don't be alarmed." Regina said.
    Emma stood up. "I need a shower. Then I'll take a rest. Don't over work yourself today Regina." Emma said softly.
"I'll be fine my Swan." Regina said. Emma gave her a worried look and kissed her forehead. She walked up stairs.
Regina went to get a glass of water when the doorbell rang.
Regina frowned and walked over and answered. "Hello?"
A girl stood in the doorway. "Is henry here?"
Regina saw the girl. "You must be violet. I'm afraid he is not seeing anyone."
"Would you give him a message?" The girl asked politely.
Regina frowned but nodded.
The girl pulled Regina down to her level and whispered in her ear. "The games not over." She whispered.
The worlds made Regina shiver.
The girl walked off the porch and down the sidewalk. Regina watched her growing more and more curious.
"Who was that?"
Regina turned and saw Henry. He looked at her with big eyes.
Regina sighed. "No one. Go get something to eat."
Henry watched her close the door. "It was violet wasn't it?"
Regina slowly nodded.
"What did she say?" He asked softly.
Regina pressed a hand to her stomach as the baby kicked in soft little taps. "The games not over. What does that mean Henry? What game?"
He sucked in a loud breath. "It means she's not done. She wants to make us all suffer like she did when she was young. She wants us to feel the pain she felt when she was young."
Regina frowned. "What pain?"
"She watched her own mother die when she was younger and her father became very abusive afterward." He explained.
Regina thought for a small second. What had happened with this young girl and why did her family have to be at stake? Regina opened the door. "I'll be back henry. Mommas upstairs if you need something." She said and walked outside. She intended to find out who had hurt the girl so bad that is turned her towards this harmful path.

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