What Are You Hiding?

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Regina walked to the sheriff station. No one was there. Regina smiled. Perks of being mayor. She could get into any building she wanted to. Regina walked to the filing cabinet and looked around the the name violet. "Aha!" She said and pulled it out. There were multiple stories on the girl. Most being child neglect.
Regina scanned through it. "Why did no one help this girl?" She asked herself softly. The charges got worse the more she read. Her father was convicted of rape, neglect, and abuse on multiple occasions but each charge was dropped. Regina heard the door being unlocked. She quickly shut the drawer and ran to the closet. She saw David and Emma walk in.
Regina watched silently.
Emma walked tot he drawer. "I'm telling you. This girls life was horrid." She said to David and pulled he drawer open. Emma rummaged around and frowned. "Odd. Her file isn't in here."
David walked over. "Here let me take a look." He said.
Regina slipped out the door as the two had their backs to the door looking for the file that was in Regina's hands. Regina walked out the sheriff station quickly and ran to her office. She shut the door and locked it behind her. Regina looked at the file.
"What do you have there?"
Regina jumped. Violet sat in the corner of the room. "Jesus! What are you doing here? How did you even get in here?" She asked the girl.
The girl stood up. "You have my file. How did you get it?" She questioned Regina.
Regina saw violet with her hands behind her back.
"What are you hiding?" Regina asked.
Violet pulled the item out. "You mean this?" She pulled out a small knife.
Regina's eyes widened. "Yes. That."
Violet smiled. "I told Henry the game wasn't over." She said.
Violet moved to stab Regina. Regina grabbed her wrist and twisted it shapely. The knife fell to the ground. "Are you going to cooperate now?" She asked the young girl.
Violet looked at her with wide eyes. "H-how? You're so fast!"
"Sit down. Let's have a little chat." She said.
She lead violet to the chair and sat on the desk. "You're going to tell me why you're like this."
Violet looked at the knife on the ground.
Regina slammed her hand on the desk loudly. "Why do you insist on hurting other?!" She snapped to the girl.
Violet looked back at her. "You're scaring me."
Regina stood up. "Good. Now you know just how Henry felt." She gripped violets chin. "Answer the question!"
"Regina what the hell is going on here?!"
Regina straightened to see Emma in the doorway.
Violet stood up and grabbed the knife off the ground. She swiftly cut a long cut down Regina's arm and bolted past Emma.
Regina ran past Emma and grabbed the girl by her shoulder. "Drop the knife." She ordered.
Violet looked at Regina.
Regina looked down at violet with dark eyes.
The girl slowly dropped the knife at Regina's feet.
Emma walked over. "Regina let go of her now!" She snapped.
Regina looked at Emma. "Get your nose out of this Emma."
"If you don't let go I am pressing charges against you. Is that clear?" Emma asked in a harsh tone.
Violet took that opportunity to shove Regina into the wall and begin to run.
Regina kicked the knife which tangled up with violets feet making the girl trip.
Emma walked to violet before Regina could. She helped the girl up. "Violet you need to go home now."
The girl looked at Emma then to Regina. "What is she going to do?" She asked in a scared voice.
Emma looked at Regina. "Nothing. She won't hurt you anymore."
Emma led the girl outside and called her mother to have her picked up.
Regina walked down the hall and scooped up the knife. Regina was furious with Emma. Regina had done what had to be done and she would have gotten the truth if Emma hadn't walked in.
Regina looked at the knife. She was to busy looking over it that by the time Emma had grabbed her wrists and handcuffed her she couldn't have fought back. "What are you doing Emma?" Regina demanded in a clear voice.
Emma slipped the knife in her back pocket and led Regina to the door. "I'm sorry Regina. You know you shouldn't have gotten involved. But I had to tell violets mother and she is pressing charges. Now don't make this anymore difficult than it needs of be." Emma said and led Regina to the jail.
Regina clenched her hands tightly in fists and Emma led her into a cell.
Emma took the handcuffs off and locked the cell. "I'm sorry Regina." Emma said softly. "What the hell were you thinking?!" She asked.
Regina glared. "I was thinking I don't want Henry to suffer anymore."
Emma shook her head. "No. You were thinking about yourself. That's all. I can see it in your eyes." Emma snapped and turned to the door. "I'll come back when I have a court date. Until then. Get some rest. It's going to be a long day."

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