chapter thirty three

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I walk to Parker's room to get him up.

"I have to go back to work today, would you like to drop me off so you can use my car?" I ask.

He slowly rises from his peaceful sleep, he rubs his eyes so he can see straight.

"Yeah sure." He speaks, voice raspy from the rest.

"Great. I'll grab my purse and we can leave." I reply.

I go back to my room to grab my things.

We get in the car and drive there. I'm so nervous coming back. It's going to be so weird without Harry, who could be the person taking his position? I haven't spoke to Zayn since either, I wonder how that's going to go.

I say my goodbye to Parker and slowly walk into the building. I take multiple deep breaths and try to get myself together. This shouldn't be so stressful.

I sit my things down on my desk and log in on my computer. I look around to see if there are any new faces, none. I then look over to see Zayn, turned around silently working.

I debate on whether I should say anything. Does he even know I'm here? He has to.

"Zayn," I say to get his attention. He ignores..

"Zayn," I say a little louder.

He turns around, emotionless, "What?"

My face drops, he is not happy with me.

"Is there anyone new coming?" I ask

He raises one eyebrow, "Who? Harry's replacement? Nope. Not yet. They weren't really given a notice." He sternly replies.

Well that was rude but it could've been worse. I nod and turn around. I run my hands through my hair in stress. I guess I'm done with conversations for the day.

Work goes by as slow as it ever could. I see Zayn get ready to leave early, so I do the same walking out behind him.

"Zayn, can we please go grab some coffee or something?" I ask.

"I don't like coffee" He says while he still walks.

"Dinner would be okay with me," I desperately ask.

He turns around, "Drew, you had someone to hang out with after work. Not my fault you spit all over him." He says then continues on his walk.

I run to catch up this time, "Zayn. Please, anything. I really would like to talk."

He sighs. He finally agrees and we head to a bar, of course.

We take a seat at a small two person table in the corner.

"Can you please tell me what's going through your mind," I ask.

He avoids eye contact, "I'm just mad." He replies. Moments later he continues, "Harry was my brother. He is my brother. He protected me, I protected him. We both went through hell and back together like nothing before. He got me my job, he got me a place to stay. He has the kindest heart a person will ever know and he gave that to you to protect and we trusted you and you did this."

I take in all that he says. "I know, Zayn. I can't understand the pain but I do understand what I've done and there's no excuse or forgiveness. It was impulsive and stupid. I realize now that I should've came to you all. I just had to be there for my brother too," I try to explain myself.

"I know but we just thought that we meant more to you than an impulse decision. We would've understood if you needed to get Parker out of jail, but we could've done it peacefully. Now things are going to be so much harder."

I sigh. He's exactly right. I screwed us up big time.

"I know. We have to fix it, Zayn you have to understand me when I say that I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get him out."

He nods, "So are we, but we have to protect all of us. I'm not letting anyone take his place in the cell."

"And they won't. We'll find a way. If we were able to kill your all's enemy of years together, we can break Harry out of jail together. You all just have to trust me again. Let me help." I reply.

"I think everyone will welcome you back. Louis will take time on the other hand, but trusting you again will take a lot of work. You need to earn it." He suggest.

I agree with him. I'll give Louis all the time he needs, I love him and I know that he's going to care for me again. My main priority is just helping Harry right now. Their acceptance was the only thing holding us back.

I make my way home to do some laundry. Parker hasn't made it back yet with my car, I hope he doesn't stay gone much longer. I'm trying to not be a parent to him, he's an adult so he should be allowed to do what he wants.

I decide on turning on an episode of glee to pass the time faster. I am just so caught up on saving Harry, I can't get my mind off of it.

I call Ed to rid of my uncomfortable anxiety.

"Hey, I talked to Zayn and we both agreed it's time we work together to get Harry out." I say as soon as he picks up.

"Drew, this isn't going to be easy.." He replies, his voice not as ambitious as mine.

"We got us out of Adams place together, for god's sake we killed that man. I know we can do this without a problem." I build up his confidence.

Ed sighs, "This is the law enforcement where they have even more men to fight against. I know we can get him out but life will never be the same."

"I understand where you're coming from... but I'd rather live a life running with Harry than a life without him at all." I reply.

"I'll call a meeting on tomorrow with everyone. Have you talked to Louis yet?" He asks

My face drops knowing Louis won't be happy seeing me at the meeting. He doesn't consider me apart of them anymore. "Not yet." I softly reply

"Good, don't until the meeting tomorrow. It's best he doesn't throw a fit before and make us seclude you" Ed immediately replies.

I agree to everything and our phone call ends. I'm more at peace now knowing we're going to start coming up with a game plan.

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